Opened 6 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#10901 closed feature request (fixed)

Make appdata strings translatable

Reported by: scootergrisen Owned by: sev-
Priority: low Component: GUI: Translations
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


In gnome-software i see the following strings. Similar to but they are not translated to my language so i suggest making them translatable.


Interpreter for several adventure games

ScummVM is an interpreter that will play graphic adventure games written for LucasArts' SCUMM virtual machine (such as Day of the Tentacle and Monkey Island), Sierra's AGI adventures (such as early King's Quest and Space Quest games), Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1, 2 and Feeble Files, Revolution Software's Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword 1, 2 and 2.5, Interactive Binary Illusions' Flight of the Amazon Queen, Coktel Vision's Gobliiins, Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth, Westwood's Legend of Kyrandia, and various others.

I think it has to do with a appdata.xml file and appstream but i dont know the details.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by sev-, 3 years ago

Owner: set to sev-
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

We added facilities to translate appdata.xml into languages. However, the software distributions have their own copies of that file and this is where the translation effort should be directed to.

We will try to inform the people regarding the up-to-date file which we host, but often it takes months or years when somebody starts picking those up.

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