Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Owner: (none) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Component Version Created
#15039 TOOLS: Build fails with strict-aliasing violations defect normal Tools 6 months
#15040 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Inaccurate text centering and font drop shadows defect normal Engine: SCUMM 6 months
#15042 MD5: MOHAWK: Unknown game variant (Harry And the Haunted House - Living Books) defect normal Engine: Mohawk 6 months
#15050 ULTIMA: Can't transfer a character in Ultima VI defect normal Engine: Ultima 6 months
#15051 Win64 - 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filename defect normal Port: Win64 6 months
#15053 BACKENDS: AMIGAOS: The Longest Journey - another unsupported GL uniform? defect normal Port: AmigaOS4 6 months
#15055 Flatpak version keeps setting preferred device to FluidSynth defect normal Audio 5 months
#15056 TETRAEDGE: Add ScummVM option to hide empty inventory box feature request normal Engine: Tetraedge 5 months
#15058 BACKENDS: MACOSX - Various shaders not usable on MacOS Ventura defect normal Port: Mac OS X 5 months
#15066 SCUMM: Maniac Mansion from the Mac version of Day of the Tentacle isn't detected feature request normal Engine: SCUMM 5 months
#15076 DIRECTOR: Rodney's Funscreen for Macintosh (D3) crashes defect normal Engine: Director 5 months
#15077 TETRAEDGE: Syberia: ScummVM stops responding for some time during every scene change defect normal Engine: Tetraedge 5 months
#15079 MM: XEEN: Can't start World of Xeen from commandline defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen 5 months
#15081 AGS: The Legend of Skye missing steam detection defect normal Engine: AGS 5 months
#15086 GROOVIE: Clandestiny final cutscene crashes defect normal Engine: Groovie 5 months
#15089 SWORD1: Unknown game variant defect normal Engine: Sword1 5 months
#15091 MTROPOLIS: Cursor disappears for extended period after interacting with cubicle vidbot (original bug) defect normal Engine: mTropolis 5 months
#15093 MYST3: Support original DVD layout feature request normal Engine: Myst3 5 months
#15095 ENGINES: Quitting via in-game commands does not respect "Return to the launcher when leaving the game" defect normal Common 5 months
#15098 AGI: KQ2: Dracula Never Appears in his Castle (Except in his Coffin) defect normal Engine: AGI 5 months
#15099 SWORD1: Unknown game variant for sword1 defect normal Engine: Sword1 5 months
#15100 KYRA: Legend of Kyrandia (Amiga) crash defect normal Engine: Kyra 5 months
#15104 ULTIMA8: Option to disable the turning animations when turning the Avatar around feature request normal Engine: Ultima 5 months
#15112 TWINE: Unknown game variant for twine defect normal Engine: TwinE 4 months
#15113 TWINE: Unknown game variant for twine defect normal Engine: TwinE 4 months
#15115 BACKENDS: PSP Vita - Sanitarium not starting (black screen) defect normal Port: PSP Vita 4 months
#15116 GLK ZCODE: Shogun fails to launch defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode 4 months
#15117 GLK ZCODE: iOS ScummVM crashes when launching Shogun defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode 4 months
#15119 DIRECTOR: Majestic (Mac/Win) can't go past the loading screen defect normal Engine: Director 4 months
#15122 WEB: Bug Tracker - Logging in redirects to homepage defect normal Web 4 months
#15124 Option to lock the window size feature request normal Common 4 months
#15130 AGI: KQ3: Triggering for Overheard Mice Conversation Seems to be Broken defect normal Engine: AGI 4 months
#15134 MD5: ADL: Unknown game variant for hires2 defect normal Engine: ADL 4 months
#15135 DIRECTOR: Fisher-Price: Learning in Toyland [D5] not playable defect normal Engine: Director 4 months
#15139 Implement engine for Media Station, Inc. games feature request normal --Other-- 4 months
#15143 SCUMM: Options dialog lists the wrong Music devices defect normal Engine: SCUMM 4 months
#15144 FSR/DLSS/XeSS Upscaling feature request normal Graphics: Scalers 4 months
#15145 AGI: SQ2: Text Boxes Moving Too Quickly defect normal Engine: AGI 4 months
#15147 GUI: Strange error messages with incorrectly set extras path defect normal GUI 4 months
#15148 M4: Orion Burger: Crash on strict-alignment architectures defect normal Engine: M4 4 months
#15149 PINK: Hokus Pokus Pink game crashes right after the girl turns into a mermaid defect normal Engine: Pink 4 months
#15154 DIRECTOR: Interactive Bible For Kids [D5] Menu Buttons not working defect normal Engine: Director 3 months
#15156 SCUMM: Skipped dialogue in Full Throttle with the DS port defect normal Engine: SCUMM 3 months
#15157 SKY: BASS cursor disappeared defect normal Engine: Sky 3 months
#15158 MYST3: Spider Spinner animation does not reset correctly defect normal Engine: Myst3 3 months
#15161 SCI: EcoQuest 1 from "Sierra's School House" is reported as corrupt (and maybe it is!) defect normal Engine: SCI 3 months
#15162 TITANIC: Using the word "that" when talking to a character causes a segfault defect normal Engine: Titanic 3 months
#15163 Add Japanese (Windows) detection and minor extra support for Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity feature request normal Engine: BBVS 3 months
#15169 DIRECTOR: El Quijote Interactivo (D4) missing speech, demo not working defect normal Engine: Director 3 months
#15179 AGS: lzwexpand SIGBUS on strict-alignment archs defect normal Engine: AGS 3 months
#15180 WII: DRAGONS: Immediate crash at start-up defect normal Port: Wii 3 months
#15181 WII: BLADERUNNER: Crash when triggering the virtual keyboard twice defect normal Port: Wii 3 months
#15182 ACCESS: Reduced performance with the DS port defect normal Engine: Access 3 months
#15183 COMMON: Automatically handle RISC OS files with NFS extensions defect normal Common 3 months
#15184 VIDEO: Indeo 3 playback is very slow defect normal Video 3 months
#15185 CGE2: Reduced performance with the DS port defect normal Engine: CGE2 3 months
#15186 CGE: Reduced performance with the DS port defect normal Engine: CGE 3 months
#15189 CINE: Reduced performance with the DS port defect normal Engine: Cine 3 months
#15191 CRYO: Reduced performance during cutscenes with the DS port defect normal Engine: Cryo 3 months
#15192 CRYO: Mouse input doesn’t work well with touchscreens and controllers defect normal Engine: Cryo 3 months
#15194 DS: Switching to an unsupported resolution should return an error defect normal Port: NDS 3 months
#15196 DS: Limited virtual keyboard support defect normal Port: NDS 3 months
#15198 VIDEO: Smacker playback is slow defect normal Video 3 months
#15199 MADS: Demos are not supported feature request normal Engine: MADS 3 months
#15204 DS: Improve touch screen input defect normal Port: NDS 3 months
#15206 SCI: KQ4: Text Boxes Clear Too Quickly defect normal Engine: SCI 3 months
#15210 GUI: GMM: Mouse cursor is offset when screen is shaking defect normal GUI 3 months
#15214 SAGA: IHNM: Cannot proceed to endgame segment defect normal Engine: SAGA 3 months
#15228 AGS: Robert Redford 2: Sprite glitches [upstream bug] defect normal Engine: AGS 3 months
#15234 DRAGONS: Crash when you use the turnstile at the Dragon Trap underground scene and let the animation loop defect normal Engine: Dragons 3 months
#15238 ZVISION: ZGI: Proper Dolby Digital 5.1 support feature request normal Engine: ZVision 3 months
#15239 GRAPHICS: Support double height resolutions feature request normal Graphics 3 months
#15240 DIRECTOR: D8 game (and possibly others) misdetected as D1 defect normal Engine: Director 3 months
#15247 SCI: PEPPER: Walk glitch when picking up Franklin's pamphlet from the printing press defect normal Engine: SCI 2 months
#15248 AGS: Support the french translations of KQ1/2 AGDI remakes feature request normal Engine: AGS 2 months
#15249 MM: XEEN: Protection From Elements Bug defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen 2 months
#15250 Space Quest 6 - crashes on loading saved games defect normal Engine: SCI 2 months
#15251 Segfault with disable-16bit defect normal Graphics 2 months
#15253 MOHAWK: Riven: Spinning dome opening switch input is not matched to corresponding symbol timing defect normal Engine: Mohawk 2 months
#15254 MOHAWK: Riven: Trapping self in trap book results in ending videos beginning prematurely defect normal Engine: Mohawk 2 months
#15257 GOB: Goblins 1 - amiga version - fade in problems after the intro defect normal Engine: Gob 2 months
#15262 GUI: Options dialog show incorrect default options defect normal GUI 2 months
#15265 TINSEL: Virtual keyboard gets hidden when skipping cutscenes or at the end of cutscenes defect normal Engine: Tinsel 2 months
#15271 TINYGL: glPolygonStipple seems to work when looking at one side only defect normal Graphics 2 months
#15272 TINYGL: triangle fan produces less triangles than expected? defect normal Graphics 2 months
#15279 SCI: Some Macintosh games are very slow to start defect normal Engine: SCI 2 months
#15280 GRIM: Keymap for Pick up/Take away doesn't work in Spanish version defect normal Engine: Grim 2 months
#15282 DEMOS: Versailles demo is missing components for original executable defect normal Web 2 months
#15283 DEMOS: Toonstruck English demo is missing original executable defect normal Web 2 months
#15284 TOON: Support running in 320x200 modes feature request normal Engine: Toon 2 months
#15293 AGI: LSL1: When the same message is repeated, it's not obvious that they're individual messages defect normal Engine: AGI 8 weeks
#15294 AGS: Frequent use of bitwise OR/ANDs instead of logical operators [upstream "bug"] defect normal Engine: AGS 8 weeks
#15297 MYST3: Persistent video in scene is out of sync with end of full screen animation defect normal Engine: Myst3 7 weeks
#15301 ADL: Mystery House: Barely seen title screen defect normal Engine: ADL 7 weeks
#15303 SCI: LSL5: Timed message skipped during LSL5 coffee scene (symptom of a bigger problem?) defect normal Engine: SCI 7 weeks
#15306 TINSEL: Various glitches in Discworld1 Macintosh Japanese defect normal Engine: Tinsel 7 weeks
#15307 AGS: The Blackwell Legacy - Music keeps playing on dev commentary defect normal Engine: AGS 6 weeks
#15311 In-App keyboard not available when using bluetooth mouse defect normal Port: Android 5 weeks
#15313 STARK: TLJ: April should run when double-clicking on action icon in pop-up feature request normal Engine: Stark 5 weeks
#15316 Undetacted mTropolis Titles defect normal --Other-- 5 weeks
(more results for this group on next page)
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