Opened 4 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#15414 closed defect (fixed)

DIRECTOR: Fisher-Price: Learning in Toyland [D5] Is Mostly But Not Fully Playable (A Full Compatibility Report)

Reported by: VictorVVictoria Owned by: bluegr
Priority: low Component: Engine: Director
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:

Description (last modified by VictorVVictoria)

Most of the activities in Learning in Toyland work but there are still some major issue such as game crashes and missing graphics.

(1) Common Errors
these errors show up in the console during almost every activity

WARNING: Cast::loadCastInfo(): BUILDBOT: extra 6 strings!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk1: 0x03 0x00!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk1: 0x03 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk1: 0x03 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x00 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x00 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x00 0x04!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x00 0x04!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x00 0x04!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x03 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk2: 0x03 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk3: 0x03!
WARNING: Frame::readMainChannelsD5(): STUB: unk6: 0x00 0x03!

(2) Big Action Garage
Playable With No Noticeable Issues

(3) All-in-1 Workshop
Playable With No Noticeable Issues

(4) Fliptrack Mountain
Playable With No Noticeable Issues

(5) Talking Smart Street
Playable With No Noticeable Issues

(6) All-in-1 Kitchen
Playable with some broken graphics and two activity specific errors

WARNING: BUILDBOT: Uncaught Lingo error: Lingo::setTheField(): member 0 of castLib 1 not found!
WARNING: handler ICutDough did not return value!

(7) 3-in-1 Creativity Table

7.1. Coloring

Crashes ScummVM with the errors below

WARNING: STUB: Score::loadFrames(): frame1Offset: 0x14, version: 7, spriteRecordSize: 0x18, numChannels: 50, numChannelsDisplayed: 48!
WARNING: BUILDBOT: Uncaught Lingo error: Call to undefined handler 'duplicate'. Dropping 1 stack items!
WARNING: BUILDBOT: Uncaught Lingo error: b_getAt: index out of bounds (1 of 0)!
Builtin 'getAt' did not return value!

7.2. Building Blocks

The screen flickers like mad and then kicks you back to the activity selection screen. below are the errors it gives

WARNING: mmap: mapversion: 1 version: 4c1 offset: 0x2c (44)!
WARNING: BUILDBOT: Left over bytes in dataStream for id: 777 type: filmLoop!
WARNING: STUB: Cast::loadCastInfo(): Film loop cast member info not yet supported for version 1217!
WARNING: Script 14 has no associated cast member!

7.3. Crafts

At first it looks like going to work but then it dose what Building Blocks does and kicks you back to the activity selection screen. below are the errors it gives

WARNING: Script 1 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 2 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 3 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 4 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 5 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 6 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 7 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 8 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 9 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 10 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Script 11 has no associated cast member!
WARNING: Sprite::getShape(): kCastMemberSprite has no cast defined!

Change History (5)

comment:1 by VictorVVictoria, 4 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by sev-, 3 months ago

What ScummVM version did you test it with?

comment:3 by bluegr, 3 months ago

Priority: normallow

I tested this on the latest master (upcoming version 2.9.0). Here's an update:

  1. Common Errors: Still show up, but they're warnings, and nothing major seems broken
  2. All-in-1 Kitchen (both games): Playable with no noticeable issues. The warnings still show in the console

7.1. Coloring: Playable with no noticeable issues
7.2. Building Blocks: Playable with no noticeable issues. The warnings still show in the console. This warning is fixed: "Script 14 has no associated cast member!"
7.3. Crafts: Playable with no noticeable issues

So, all of the games are fully playable now! :) (although some warnings still show up)

Lowering priority

comment:4 by bluegr, 3 months ago

There are no actions to be taken on this one, since the games work correctly


comment:5 by bluegr, 3 months ago

Owner: set to bluegr
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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