Custom Query (8411 matches)


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Results (4801 - 4900 of 8411)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#10061 VOYEUR: crash if you play certain recorded audio scenes at the VCR dreammaster defect normal Engine: Voyeur
#10062 VOYEUR: note Reed to Chantal about Jessica agreed too early dreammaster defect normal Engine: Voyeur
#10063 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics glitch when panning left on Prison Island. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10066 SCI: LSL7 PL: voice missing, text only english sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10067 TITANIC: Lift1 always on floor 1 when taking lift2 up dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10071 TITANIC: Some numbers entered via numpad get duplicated dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10072 TITANIC: Can get stuck in headless liftbot elevator dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10076 TITANIC: unexpected results using keyboard movement dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10077 TITANIC: bots seem to have lost most of their animation when talking dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10078 SCI: SHIVERS1: Off colors when loading using GMM in-game bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
#10081 MOHAWK: Myst: Tower rotation map changes position slightly when rotating the tower bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10083 TITANIC: Crash when playing with original game volume controls dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10088 TITANIC: Audio gap when music playback loops dreammaster feature request normal Engine: Titanic
#10089 TITANIC: Arrows visible in settings panel dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10090 TITANIC: heap use-after-free loading a save game during TrueTalk video playback dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10092 TITANIC: PET active panel confusion dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10093 TITANIC: Final row of location chevrons rendered too high dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10094 TITANIC: Bad mouse cursor transparency csnover defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10096 TITANIC: Missing music fade when entering Parrot Lobby dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10097 TITANIC: Missing music after looking down the well dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10098 TITANIC: Missing exit animation when closing Unbelievably High Voltage box in Titania’s Room dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10099 TITANIC: Graphical corruption during transition video playback on SGT level dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10100 TITANIC: Graphical corruption (missing Indeo 4 transparency) in SGT room csnover defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10101 TITANIC: Succ-U-Bus keeps playing turn-on animation when clicked dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10102 TITANIC: Marsinta stops moving during 2nd class upgrade sequence dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10103 MOHAWK: Riven-Win: Frog trap on Book Assembly Island bug (1.10.0git4289-gfe88fab431) bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10106 TITANIC: Crash when opening cheat room during starting game logo dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10108 MOHAWK: Myst: Mechanical Age Fortress rotation glitch bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10114 MOHAWK: Myst, Atrus movie drawn at the wrong spot? bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10115 MOHAWK: Incorrect instructions in Marker Switch Vault Access instructions bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10117 SCUMM: Starting the MM C64 Demo fails if the datafiles are in the same folder as the full MM C64 game. tag2015 defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#10124 TITANIC: Succubus switch does nothing dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10132 ScummVM 1.7.0, OpenGL, "--joystick", Mousepointer stuck stesee defect normal Port: Linux
#10137 SCI: QFG4: leshy riddle solve about bush in goo crash bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
#10138 SCI: QFG4: revenant battle crash bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
#10145 TITANIC: volume sliders don't work as intended dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10146 TITANIC: Yellow Fuse (spoiler) dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10147 TITANIC: Relocking onto a star without moving causes crash dafioram defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10148 TITANIC: Relocking onto locked stars does not lock axis dafioram defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10152 TITANIC: Can't move when loading another saved game during Succubus action dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10156 SCI: SQ1 VGA: Russian language version not detected Mataniko defect normal Engine: SCI
#10157 SCI: Phantasmagoria italian md5 hash csnover feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10161 SCI: Phantasmagoria hintkeeper not working csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10162 TITANIC: NPC portrait missing after restoring save game dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10163 TITANIC: DoorBot and BellBot stay put if you walk out of a room dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10169 TITANIC: PET display for star puzzle can persistence out of star puzzle dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10171 COMPOSER: german version of Baba Yaga and the Magic Geese not detected sev- feature request normal Engine: Composer
#10172 SCI: GK2 DE: Warning about corrupt files when starting game csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10179 TITANIC: Crash when taking service elevator to bottom of keel dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10180 TITANIC: Invisible bellbot during intro dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10183 SCI: QFG1EGA: Baba Yaga's hut sound bug athrxx defect normal Engine: SCI
#10184 SCI: CNICK-LSL: Game crashes when trying to increase bet in Blackjack m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#10188 SCI: Torin RU: Access violation on startup csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10196 SCI: LSL7: Better cel scaling criezy feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10199 COMPOSER: german version of Imo and the King not detected Mataniko feature request normal Engine: Composer
#10201 SCI: Phant2: Save on exit overrides slot1 csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10207 TITANIC: Memory leaks in QSoundManager dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10208 TITANIC: Memory leaks in TrueTalk dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10209 TITANIC: Memory leaks in CStarControl dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10210 TITANIC: Memory leaks in AVISurface dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10211 TITANIC: Memory leaks in save game code dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10212 TITANIC: Memory leaks in DirectDrawManager dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10214 SCI: QFG2: Terrorsaurus label not all on one row sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10215 MOHAWK: Riven: Unfreed memory for ScheduleWaterEffect bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10216 MOHAWK: Riven: Possible memory leak for saveGame bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10219 MOHAWK: Riven: Invalid read for RivenVideo::play/load bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10220 MOHAWK: MYST: Invalid read in VideoManager::open bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10222 TITANIC: Invalid write in CMainGameWindow dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10224 SCI: Lighthouse: Hitting Roost bird with rock has bad sound sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10226 SCI: Lighthouse: Animation of the robot arm is played twice when opening the safe sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10227 SCI: SQ4: Universal Remote Control description not voiced m-kiewitz feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10228 SCI: SQ4: Windows-specific SFX don't play m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#10229 SCI: SQ4: Shoplifting crashes the game csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10231 SCI: Lighthouse: Poor sound effect when train is stopping on it on sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10232 SCI: Lighthouse: Bad sound effect when clipping train rails sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10236 TITANIC: use-after-free in QSoundManager on engine shutdown dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10237 SCI: Lighthouse: Sound issues when fixing train junction box sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10238 SCI: Lighthouse: Sound repeating when raising/lowering train platform sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10239 PSP port incorrect 4:3 aspect radio rsn8887 defect normal Port: PSP
#10241 SCI: SQ4: Vohaul's taunt to Roger bug sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10242 SCI: Lighthouse: Voltaic Bathysphere using keyboard arrow keys locks motion csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10244 SQ4 PC98 : Orange ship not taking off again when leaving super computer sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10245 SCI: Unkown SQ3 version csnover feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10246 TITANIC: Memory leaks for CCaptainsWheel dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10251 SCI: Rama Demo crashes on start csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10252 SCI: RAMA: Assertion failure when loading from launcher csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10253 SCI: RAMA: Autosave - attempt to write non-number to non-save file csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10254 SCI: PQ3: Upcoming turns don't update when speeding sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10259 SCI: RAMA: Saved game playtime resets after scummvm reset csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10261 SCI: RAMA: Misplaced zero for bangkok sum/difference puzzles csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10262 TITANIC: Marsinta closed but still active in TT after restoring save game dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10263 SCI: RAMA: Crash restoring bomb save csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10264 SCI: RAMA: Screenshots dafioram patch normal Screenshots
#10265 SCI: Lighthouse: Missing birds when turning right sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10266 ZVISION: ZGI: Add playtime to saved games bonki feature request normal Engine: ZVision
#10267 SCI: KQ7: Force game to default to full-size movies bluegr feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10270 SCI: LSL7: Ocean outside portholes jumps sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10272 Gob: Playtoons 1 demo: Unrecognized game version sev- defect normal Engine: Gob
#10273 TITANIC: DE: Deskbot doesn't respond to "Ja" or "Yes" dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10275 TITANIC: Instrument video is not in sync with music playback dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
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