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Owner: (none) (74 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Component Version Created
#12973 STARK: Dialogue line cut in half, stops reproducing defect low Engine: Stark 3 years
#13016 AGS: text appears in german Gemini Rue version that shouldn't be there defect low Engine: AGS 3 years
#13057 PORTS: ANDROID: Android load game screen distorted while downloading from Cloud defect low Port: Android 3 years
#13077 GRIM: SCUMMVM asks for gfupd101.exe even if game files are already patched defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13092 GRIM: Keybord shortcut 'A' for help not working (French version) defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13125 GRIM: Grim Fandango: opengl dialog transcript text errors defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13127 GRIM: Grim Fandango - change default controller keys feature request low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13140 GRIM: Grim Fandango, year 3 chain foreground defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13141 GRIM: Grim Fandango ! year 3 end cutscene cuts early defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13148 GRIM: Grim Fandango _ after end game credits cannot exit the game defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13149 GRIM: Grim Fandango % year 4 sewer transparency defect low Engine: Grim 3 years
#13232 Use scaler to mouse cursor feature request low Graphics: Scalers 3 years
#13371 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Overlay glitch with edge of distaff in woodbin defect low Engine: SCUMM 2 years
#13412 AGS: Zniw Adventure - Sprites in ScummVM appear less sharp/fuzzier defect low Engine: AGS 2 years
#13441 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Flickering objects defect low Engine: Parallaction 2 years
#13570 TWINE: The Red Magnetic Card Bug (only CD-ROM version) (original bug) defect low Engine: TwinE 2 years
#13611 Retrowave is not enabled on 2.6 Windows Build feature request low Audio 2 years
#13618 SCUMM: MM (NES) - No start splash screen nor LFG-logo feature request low Engine: SCUMM 2 years
#13668 CHEWY: Cell air duct highlighted when switching full screen to window defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13677 TWINE: pressing enter to choose an item in the inventory also recenters the camera defect low Engine: TwinE 2 years
#13680 CHEWY: Cinema mode buggy defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13681 CHEWY: Intro is missing black screen at end defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13685 CHEWY: Videos are glitching in and out defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13686 CHEWY: Music during many videos missing defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13687 CHEWY: Harbour in Big City 2 not playing correct music defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13689 CHEWY: No machine noise in hidden base defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13691 CHEWY: Howard is missing his helmet in Big City 2 defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13693 CHEWY: Inventory behavior quick action defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13695 CHEWY: Cyber-Crown hotspot already active before Surimy defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13696 CHEWY: Dugout race Chewy not moving defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13697 CHEWY: Menu hotkey defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13702 CHEWY: Game gets unresponsive in certain situations defect low Engine: Chewy 2 years
#13741 [Homepage] Please add a sub-URL, called "/statistics" and/or "/stats" feature request low Web 2 years
#13818 TWINE: FunFrock’s HQ Front Door Bug (original bug) defect low Engine: TwinE 2 years
#13819 TWINE: FunFrock’s HQ Safe (original bug) defect low Engine: TwinE 2 years
#13872 TWINE: minor wording issue - german translation (original bug) defect low Engine: TwinE 2 years
#13938 RISCOS: Investigate support for building with EABI toolchains? feature request low Port: RISC OS 22 months
#13949 WME3D: Limbo of the Lost - sprite color and transparency issue defect low Engine: Wintermute 22 months
#13977 AGS: Saving while a text field is visible can result in the savegame name being typed in-game [original bug] defect low Engine: AGS 21 months
#14018 AGS: Blackwell Legacy (old version & demo) issues defect low Engine: AGS 21 months
#14022 MTROPOLIS: Obsidian music, transitions, and exiting defect low Engine: mTropolis 21 months
#14048 SCUMM: DIG: Low latency mode causes stutter at the beginning of speech clips in videos defect low Engine: SCUMM 20 months
#14160 GRIM: Patched installers are required even with pre-patched installations defect low Engine: Grim 19 months
#14161 ENGINES: Allow running multi-CD games directly from the original discs feature request low Common 19 months
#14258 AGS: Dreams in the Witch House: character briefly appearing after logo defect low Engine: AGS 19 months
#14301 TETRAEDGE: Hotspot to Leave Notary's Office Does Not Work defect low Engine: Tetraedge 19 months
#14311 ULTIMA8: Disappearing Stepping Stone defect low Engine: Ultima 19 months
#14314 ULTIMA8: Stacked sorcery reagents do not display number feature request low Engine: Ultima 19 months
#14316 ULTIMA8: Enable cheater room teleport feature request low Engine: Ultima 19 months
#14441 BACKENDS: Add abstraction for read/write locks feature request low Ports 17 months
#14629 CGE: Soltys freezes when pressing F1 in the intro defect low Engine: CGE 12 months
#14694 Missing undocumented keystrokes: Alt+NumPad 3 and Alt+NumPad9 defect low Engine: SCI 10 months
#14759 SCUMM: V2/ZAK intro credits are printed without any delay on ST+AMIGA versions defect low Engine: SCUMM 9 months
#14768 SCI: SQ1: Sound Cuts Off in Star Generator Room on Deltaur defect low Engine: SCI 9 months
#14830 DIRECTOR: The Dark Eye - wrong palette on Credits defect low Engine: Director 8 months
#14842 ULTIMA8: Paperdoll gump does not remember postion defect low Engine: Ultima 8 months
#14857 GOB: Version from main menu shows nothing for GOG version defect low Engine: Gob 8 months
#14873 AGS: Save games are always ordered by saveslot instead of last save date defect low Engine: AGS 8 months
#14911 SCI: QFG4: Brief Display and No Audio at Bushes defect low Engine: SCI 8 months
#14912 SCI: QFG4: Burgomeister Doesn't Always Close Window at Sunset defect low Engine: SCI 8 months
#14970 M4: Orion Burger: Volume not correctly adjusted defect low Engine: M4 7 months
#14997 M4: Orion Burger: Potential memory leak still existing defect low Engine: M4 7 months
#15008 AGS: Heroine's Quest: Two achievements not unlocking defect low Engine: AGS 7 months
#15052 can not compile scummvm source gcc version: 14.0.1 20240326 (experimental) defect low Port: Mac OS X 6 months
#15065 Unknown game variant for ultima, its actually Crusader: No remorse defect low Engine: Ultima 5 months
#15096 compilation issue: no more ARM64 cpu optimisations (NEON) defect low Port: Win64 5 months
#15138 AGI: LSL1: Error in the Age Quiz at the Beginning of the Game defect low Engine: AGI 4 months
#15170 CHEWY: Unlocked cinema cutscenes not correct defect low Engine: Chewy 3 months
#15177 SCI: LSL5: Drawing issues when using the "?" icon defect low Engine: SCI 3 months
#15201 PARALLACTION: Use custom actions for the keymapper defect low Engine: Parallaction 3 months
#15202 PARALLACTION: In-application help for the manual protection feature request low Engine: Parallaction 3 months
#15226 Unknown game variants for director feature request low Engine: Director 3 months
#15319 AGS: King's Quest 1 VGA 4.2 RC not detected and crashing patch low Engine: AGS 5 weeks
#15346 GRAPHICS: Text Boxes Not Appearing in External Captures defect low Engine: AGI 3 weeks
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