Opened 6 days ago

Last modified 6 days ago

#15226 new feature request

Unknown game variants for director

Reported by: LittleAmpton Owned by:
Priority: low Component: Engine: Director
Version: Keywords: unknown-game, max3, max2
Cc: Game:


Polish version of max3 "Max i Duch Zamku" is detected as:
max3-win-fr: {"M3_START.EXE", 0, "7c18c9a6af2694156bf09ed195c1ab09", 2677734},
director-win-fallback: {"M3_start.exe", 0, "t:f30d96c8db93a3927ca97e28a86df0d4", 2677734},
Note that I'm on a case-sensitive system and there is no "M3_START.EXE", just "M3_start.exe".

Polish version of max2 "Max i Maria na Zakupach" (Full version):
director-win-fallback: {"start.exe", 0, "88d21b5cb6dd9fd6016574a04eb8af8e", 939743}

(Perhaps worth noting is that both of these do not work - max2 freezes ScummVM completely requiring a SIGTERM to stop scummvm and max3, if selected as 'director-win-fallback' gives unsupported Director version error, and if as 'max3' then it says that game data is missing.)

And for the sake of completion, two obscure polish titles:
"O Dobrym Pasterzu" (Director 7) - director-win-fallback: {"start.exe", 0, "3d0edd261c923ba51783ac2fd44f0906", 1258961},
"Wikingowie" (Director 8.5?) - {"start.exe", 0, "fa81f0cf08376f3fbcd663c27e391f62", 2159360},

I can provide the checksums(?) for other files as needed.

ScummVM version: ScummVM 2.9.0git5402-ge29dbecf626 (Jun 22 2024 23:29:13)
System: Void Linux x86_64

Change History (1)

comment:1 by LittleAmpton, 6 days ago

Sorry, when running max2, ScummVM has to be stopped with a SIGKILL, it doesn't react to a SIGTERM. max2 seems to be attempted to be read as a v500 game while being a 4.0.3 game.

Also, to be more precise, Max games are multilingual - at the beginning of the game (and at any point) it's possible to switch the language between Polish, German and English.

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