Custom Query (8411 matches)


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Results (6401 - 6500 of 8411)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#12521 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12522 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (My Burden to Keep) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12524 SCI: Missing Detection Entry for SQ4 DOS Spanish sluicebox feature request normal Engine: SCI
#12527 AGS: Shardlight character audio overlapping dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12529 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12530 Unknown game variant for glk sev- defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#12534 ULTIMA6: Throwing items do not auto-ready dreammaster defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12536 ULTIMA6: "new" style is unstable dreammaster defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12539 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12541 Unknown game variant for ultima dreammaster defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12542 STARK: Engine lacks a TinyGL renderer aquadran defect normal Engine: Stark
#12543 AGS: Game ID for AGS game dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12544 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (Red Hot Overdrive) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12546 Unknown game variant for ultima dreammaster defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12548 PRIVATE: Missing Voiceover neuromancer defect normal Engine: Private
#12551 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12553 GRAPHICS: (EDGE2x/3x scaler) - Graphical glitches when restoring after ScummVM overlay athrxx defect normal Graphics: Scalers
#12555 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12556 AGS: Resonance: crash when Anna moves around in ventilation duct criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#12557 French variant for Clouds of Xeen dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#12558 French game variant for Darkside of Xeen dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#12559 French game variant for World of Xeen dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#12560 [FM Towns] scrolling much too slow (commit fb8f10840292ca2f678d4414815ff9578205656c) athrxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#12561 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (A Prelude to an Adventure) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12562 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (AGS Awards Ceremony 2020) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12563 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Dead Dimension) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12564 AGS: Mom's dialogue has no color (Billy Masters Was Right) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12567 PRIVATE: Opening Safe causes ScummVM crash neuromancer defect normal Engine: Private
#12568 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12569 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12570 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12571 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12572 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12573 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12574 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12575 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12576 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12577 AGS: Missing Detection Entry for phantomfellows - Fallback dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12578 iOS build fails to launch with new GUI criezy defect normal Port: iOS
#12579 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (King's Quest III+) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12580 AGS: Minor formatting issues in the detected game title (Symploké Chapter 1) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12581 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (Symploké Chapter 2) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12582 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (Symploké Chapter 3) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12583 Mac Daily Build 7c91d260 crashes adding games sluicebox defect normal --Unset--
#12584 Game ID for unknown variant AGS dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12585 PSP: Pixel Format RGBA8888@4 is not supported rsn8887 defect normal Port: PSP
#12586 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12587 Unknown game variant for ags (Strangeland) (GOG) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12588 Unknown game variant for ags: Strangeland dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12589 AGS: MMM - Episode 8 hangs at the final cutscene dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12592 AGS: Beer: crash with error("TODO: pivot_sprite") criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#12593 AGS: Guard Duty: crash during the intro dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12595 LANDS OF LORE: gamepad input doesn't work in some menus athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#12596 AGS: Mage's Initiation opens a debugging console unexpectedly and then crashes criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#12600 [TRECISION] Nightlong Union City Conspiracy Unknown German Demo SupSuper defect normal --Unset--
#12601 MOHAWK: Adjustments in the spaceship puzzle in Myst for the hearing impaired bluegr feature request normal Engine: Mohawk
#12605 AGS: MMM23 crashes at end sequence dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12606 AGS: MMM26 - cannot pass the title screen dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12607 AGS: MMM28 - hangs at intro dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12608 AGS: Internal/default language selection issue dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12609 AGS: Startup failure for AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12610 SCI: PHARKAS demo, hanging MIDI notes athrxx defect normal Engine: SCI
#12611 STARK: Overlay graphics/"sprites" not displayed in The Longest Journey aquadran defect normal Engine: Stark
#12613 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12615 Unknown game variant for ags - FORGE dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12617 AGOS: Deadlock when shutting down game, at least with the MT-32 emulator athrxx defect normal Engine: AGOS
#12619 TRECISION: Nightlong Hungarian versions SupSuper defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12622 TRECISION: Cutscene gets cut off bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12624 TRECISION: Woman at the liquor store frozen in place instead of leaving the room bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12625 TRECISION: Graphical glitches after cutscene bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12626 TRECISION: Chain seems to already be hanging from pipe when first entering Rotmall 17 station bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12627 TRECISION: Joshua temporarily vanishes when taking shortcut out of Rotmall 17 station bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12628 TRECISION: Visual glitches with fire in zoo bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12629 TRECISION: Visual glitch with dinosaur head in zoo bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12630 WME3D: rendering does not support screen mode change bluegr defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#12632 TRECISION: Crashes when going into first building defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12633 TRECISION: Crash to desktop when entering the code in the terrorists' hideout bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12634 Support for iPad Pro 11inch sev- feature request normal Port: iOS
#12635 KYRA: Missing subtitle (also in original game) athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#12638 TRECISION: Positioner in amusement park doesn't display picture of location bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12639 TRECISION: Visual glitch when looking down the well (amusement park) bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12640 TRECISION: Visual glitch when opening door in Hugh's virtual office bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12642 TRECISION: Crash to desktop - not found! bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12645 TRECISION: Big Endian Colors problem bluegr defect normal Engine: Trecision
#12646 PORTS: MACOS: Mac OS loss of mouse focus with OpenGL defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#12647 iOS port compiling incorrectly criezy defect normal Port: iOS
#12648 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (Rock Paper Scissors Reboot) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12649 SCUMM: Deadlock in Player_AD on quitting eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#12650 ScummVM for Android crashes when editing game id antoniou79 defect normal Port: Android
#12651 AGS: Unknown game variant for AGS (Runestones!) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12653 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Cart Life) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12654 AGS: Notify user when adding a game that predates AGS 2.5 dreammaster feature request normal Engine: AGS
#12656 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Absurdistan) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12657 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Pirates!) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12658 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Slay the Dragon II) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12659 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Slay the Dragon III) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12660 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Super Hammer Quest) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12661 ASYLUM: Sanitarium crashes when loading Steam version alxpnv feature request normal Engine: Asylum
#12663 AGS: Unknown Al Emmo variant dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12665 Flashlight glitch in Maniac Mansion Deluxe dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
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