Custom Query (57 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#15389 ADL: HIRES5: "GET ALL" fails where picking up individual objects doesn't new defect normal Engine: ADL
#15382 ADL: HIRES5: Crash printing an apparently corrupt string new defect normal Engine: ADL
#15379 ADL: HIRES5: Game unsolvable after loading savegame. Save state not properly restored? new defect normal Engine: ADL
#15301 ADL: Mystery House: Barely seen title screen new defect normal Engine: ADL
#15293 AGI: LSL1: When the same message is repeated, it's not obvious that they're individual messages new defect normal Engine: AGI
#14549 AGI: Missing fill in Winnie the Pooh (pre-AGI!) new defect normal Engine: AGI
#15413 AGOS: SIMON1: displayBoxStars() uses wrong color for Amiga CD32 version new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#13073 BACKENDS: SDL: Strange initSizeHint() behavior new defect normal Graphics
#12846 BACKENDS: Screenshot can contain OSD message from previous screenshot new defect normal Graphics
#13157 COMMON: EventManager's getMousePos() is not always reliable new defect normal Common
#14875 COMMON: Fallback detection of games happen even when there are exact matches new defect normal Common
#12832 DIRECTOR: Missing music cue in Spaceship Warlock intro new defect normal Engine: Director
#13093 DIRECTOR: Scummvm detects Spaceship Warlock 1.1.2, but runs 1.1.1 new defect normal Engine: Director
#12866 GLK: Comprehend: Missing strings in Transylvania (V2) new defect normal Engine: GLK: Comprehend
#10867 GLK: ZCODE: Beyond Zork graphics font gets downscaled, losing detail new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#11898 GRIM: "OpenGL with shaders" draws subtitles differently than the other renderers new defect normal Engine: Grim
#12969 GRIM: Rendering difference with OpenGL with shaders new defect low Engine: Grim
#13432 GUI: Options dialog complains about non-existing saves in autosave slot new defect normal Common
#15262 GUI: Options dialog show incorrect default options new defect normal GUI
#12621 HUGO: Top menu doesn't close when it should new defect normal Engine: Hugo
#12082 MOHAWK: Looping videos aren't quite seamless in Riven (DVD) new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#12955 MYST3: Video speeds up after room transition new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#5828 SAGA: IHNM - Character selection animations often miss a frame new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#15161 SCI: EcoQuest 1 from "Sierra's School House" is reported as corrupt (and maybe it is!) new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15327 SCI: LSL5: Silas blinks distractingly frequently when talking to Julius new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15303 SCI: LSL5: Timed message skipped during LSL5 coffee scene (symptom of a bigger problem?) new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14588 SCI: LSL6: Controls dialog misbehaves when subtitles are disabled in the low-res talkie version new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14585 SCI: LSL6: Objects disappear temporarily after using the controls dialog new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15247 SCI: PEPPER: Walk glitch when picking up Franklin's pamphlet from the printing press new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15279 SCI: Some Macintosh games are very slow to start new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14740 SCUMM: Incorrect special keyboard commands in Help dialog new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15066 SCUMM: Maniac Mansion from the Mac version of Day of the Tentacle isn't detected new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15143 SCUMM: Options dialog lists the wrong Music devices new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#2693 SCUMM: Potential savegame incompatibility new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#14732 SCUMM: Remaining Mac GUI issues for Indy3 and Loom new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#9203 SDL: Avoiding pathological screen updates new patch normal --Other--
#13160 SHERLOCK: Glitch when loading savegame new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#13358 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Glitch when removing the beam with the chain new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#13357 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Music notes sometimes left hanging new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#14539 TETRAEDGE: Slight glitch around hotspot markers new defect normal Engine: Tetraedge
#12951 TITANIC: Error when moving an old savegame to make room for an autosave new defect normal Engine: Titanic
#12616 TITANIC: Glitch when loading game that was saved during conversation new defect normal Engine: Titanic
#6867 TOON: Missing Flux animation when asking him to open cupboard new defect normal Engine: Toon
#6869 TOON: Wrong talk animation after Jim's gym demonstration new defect normal Engine: Toon
#6392 TSAGE: BF - Animation jitter after entering police station new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6495 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - "Meanwhile..." intro screen looks wrong new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6633 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Cursor doesn't always update properly new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6502 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Graphics glitches when going to Ringworld new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6466 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - In-game menu different from the original new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6627 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Missing sounds when ship is landing/taking off new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6617 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Pathfinding glitch when using the flute new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6628 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Pathfinding glitch when walking through doorways in vampire lair new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#6518 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Seeker never gives up trying to open the wrong elevator door new defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#9058 Using more than one FM_OPL object (experimental) new patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#6781 ZVISION: Animation glitch (position? scaling?) in Nemesis laboratory new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#6797 ZVISION: Brief glitch after solving air puzzle (constellations) new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#6808 ZVISION: Sound distortion in Zork Nemesis end credits new defect normal Engine: ZVision
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