Custom Query (25 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#10714 GOB: Woodruff - Couldn't talk to the Beast new defect high
#4649 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Divinity (last) level: left doorbell dissapeared new DrMcCoy defect normal
#5405 GOB: Woodruff - Can't Get Master's Powers new DrMcCoy defect normal
#5406 GOB: Woodruff - Menu Graphics Glitch In High Morals Club new defect normal
#5409 GOB: Woodruff - Annoying scrolling behaviour in windowed mode new DrMcCoy defect normal
#5413 GOB: Woodruff - Possible lockup in the prison tower new DrMcCoy defect normal
#6331 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Moving figure onto occupied square on the chessboard new defect normal
#6702 GOB: WOODRUFF - Double click to do fast scene change not implemented new defect normal
#7457 GOBLIIINS: Atari ST version color palette new feature request normal
#7554 GOB: Gob2 (Mac): Add support for Mac music new DrMcCoy feature request normal
#11461 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Amiga) - Catacombs (Act 3) is not dark anymore after loading a save game new defect normal
#11535 GOB: Goblin Quest 3 - Head of ego partly vanishes new defect normal
#11536 GOB: Goblin Quest 3 - Piggy Bank door is drawn over Othello on scene reload new defect normal
#14574 GOB: Excessive blitting drags performance down pending sdelamarre defect normal
#15257 GOB: Goblins 1 - amiga version - fade in problems after the intro new defect normal
#15341 GOB: Goblins 2 - Missing footsteps sound effect in Floppy version new bluegr defect normal
#15524 GOB: WOODRUFF - strange mouse pointer behavior new defect normal
#15591 GOB: Goblins 3 - Latest save is not loaded new defect normal
#15613 MD5: GOB: The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth (CD DOS, Multilanguage) variant new defect normal
#3769 GOB: WOODRUFF - Pathfinding bug new DrMcCoy defect low
#3838 GOB: LIT - palette issue with sprites new DrMcCoy defect low
#3846 GOB: WOODRUFF - In-Game animation shifted(?) new DrMcCoy defect low
#3848 GOB: WOODRUFF - Graphic glitches new DrMcCoy defect low
#14553 GOB: Adibou 1 German 4-5 years (ADI Junior 4-5 Jahre) learning programs not selectable new BJNFNE defect low
#15168 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Amiga) - Unneeded "Please insert disk 2" message pending BJNFNE feature request low
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