Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#12832 DIRECTOR: Missing music cue in Spaceship Warlock intro new defect normal
#12834 DIRECTOR: Cannot leave viewer room in Mylk Windows new defect normal
#12839 DIRECTOR: Implement "return to launcher" feature for Director games new feature request normal
#13093 DIRECTOR: Scummvm detects Spaceship Warlock 1.1.2, but runs 1.1.1 new defect normal
#13560 DIRECTOR: CASINO! (Beachware, 1995) (D4) - menu buttons not working new bluegr defect normal
#13833 DIRECTOR: Windows version of "Me & My World" (D4) fails with missing fonts message new defect normal
#13899 DIRECTOR: Opera Fatal gameplay issue update new defect normal
#13940 DIRECTOR: Missing audio cue in Spaceship Warlock Stambul streets new defect normal
#14106 DIRECTOR: Jewels of the Oracle: black screen + audio + cursor then crashed new defect normal
#14430 DIRECTOR: AmandaStories (D3) not launching new defect normal
#14755 DIRECTOR: Alice - An Interactive Museum gameplay issues new defect normal
#14819 DIRECTOR: Backpacker (Swedish) (D4) various glitches new lotharsm defect normal
#14854 DIRECTOR: Magician's Secrets vol. 1/2 (D4) not starting new defect normal
#15169 DIRECTOR: El Quijote Interactivo (D4) missing speech, demo not working new defect normal
#15378 DIRECTOR: Show Required Director Version In GUI Game Chooser new feature request normal
#15405 DIRECTOR: Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles (D4) - Divide by Zero Error new defect normal
#15480 DIRECTOR: Interactive Bible For Kids - The Life Of Paul [D5] (A Full Compatibility Report) new defect normal
#15561 DIRECTOR: Löwenzahn 1 [D5]: Test results new defect normal
#15663 DIRECTOR: Robinson Crusoe [D5] playtest results new defect normal
#15691 DIRECTOR: Indigo Rose AutoPlay Menu Studio [D?] - Not Being Detected by ScummVM new defect normal
#15729 DIRECTOR: Gadget: Past as Future [D5] crash and other issues new defect normal
#15731 MD5: DIRECTOR: LOEWE2 2.0 :Unknown game variant for director new defect normal
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