Opened 9 months ago

Closed 2 months ago

#15119 closed defect (fixed)

DIRECTOR: Majestic (Mac/Win) can't go past the loading screen

Reported by: Fehlversuch Owned by: rvanlaar
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Director
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Fehlversuch Game:


The game in 'MAJESTIC' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the director engine: majestic-mac

{"Majestic", 0, "d:ab6ba48edb4a93ca034c63905f615865", 23374400},

Good day,
also, I couldn't select an entry for
Majestic Part 1: Alien Encounter
in the Game-Selection-Menu when creating this ticket,
so the Game-entry is
Habe a great day,
Jörg Berning

Attachments (1)

scummvm-majestic-win-00000.png (44.3 KB ) - added by mystrw1 3 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (22)

comment:1 by tag2015, 9 months ago

Hi, thanks for the report!
Could you please tell us

  • Language
  • Director version

Also, is this mac-only or hybrid? In the latter case we'd be interested in the windows version, too


comment:2 by Fehlversuch, 9 months ago

Hi, more info:
after clicking
Add anyway
the entry for
is pre-set with
greyed-out and not selectable,

the entry for
is pre-set with
and could be changed.

Director version is, when looking into
Switching to Director v404

I had some trouble with mounting my iso-image,
did use the following solution under macOS 14.4.1 (23E224),
as mentioned under
macFUSE 4.7.1
The hfs-image gets mounted as
I did check for a hybrid via
sudo diskutil list
but it does not look promising:

/dev/disk8 (disk image):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     Apple_partition_scheme                        +283.3 MB   disk8
   1:        Apple_partition_map                         1.0 KB     disk8s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS MAJESTIC                257.9 MB   disk8s2

By the way, the start of the game is sort of hanging, the music is playing in a loop and the last message after two pictures is
in white on black.
I don't know if it makes sense to further troubleshoot this.
If you like to, I could open another ticket and get the messages from

Thank you for looking into this =)

comment:3 by tag2015, 9 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply, ScummVM can't autodetect the language, do you know if the game is in English, in a different language or multilanguage?
Also since this is a hard to find version it would be amazing if you could attach some pictures of the disc/box/manual etc...


comment:4 by Fehlversuch, 9 months ago

Well, the file
Read me
is in English, no other languages are used.

I checked a few of the .mov-files and found lettering in the English language:
cargo hold
Captain's quarters

Hexedit didn't help, too.

and it says "LOADING..." when starting...
So I guess the game is in English.

If you like we can close the ticket...

comment:5 by tag2015, 9 months ago

Hello, sorry but I hadn't noticed that the checksum is not correct.
Do this:

  • Process your iso using dumper companion: (leave the default settings)
  • Extract the resulting .zip and add the folder to scummvm. It should properly detect the mac version of Majestic

In any case, we have a regression. This game should be playable, now it gets stuck on "loading...", so we need to fix it.

comment:6 by tag2015, 9 months ago

Keywords: unknown-game removed
Priority: lownormal
Summary: Unknown game variant for directorDIRECTOR: Majestic (Mac/Win) can't go past the loading screen

comment:7 by Fehlversuch, 9 months ago

when using the mounted image:

[2024-05-09 17:10:55] ScummVM 2.8.1 (Mar 24 2024 20:21:47)
[2024-05-09 17:10:55] Vorbis FLAC MP3 TiMidity RGB zLib MPEG2 FluidSynth MikMod Theora VPX AAC A/52 FreeType2 FriBiDi JPEG PNG taskbar TTS cloud (servers, local) ENet SDL2 TinyGL OpenGL (with shaders) OpenGL desktop only RetroWave
[2024-05-09 17:10:55] --- Log opened.
[2024-05-09 17:11:11] The game in 'MAJESTIC' seems to be an unknown game variant.
[2024-05-09 17:11:11]
[2024-05-09 17:11:11] Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at
[2024-05-09 17:11:11] along with the name of the game you tried to add and
[2024-05-09 17:11:11] its version, language, etc.:
[2024-05-09 17:11:11]
[2024-05-09 17:11:11] Matched game IDs for the director engine: majestic-mac
[2024-05-09 17:11:11]
[2024-05-09 17:11:11]   {"Majestic", 0, "d:ab6ba48edb4a93ca034c63905f615865", 23374400},
[2024-05-09 17:11:11]
[2024-05-09 17:11:46] Running Majestic Part I: Alien Encounter (Macintosh/English)
[2024-05-09 17:11:46] Majestic: ab6ba48edb4a93ca034c63905f615865, 23374400 bytes.
[2024-05-09 17:11:46] WARNING: SearchSet::add: archive '/Volumes/MAJESTIC' already present!
[2024-05-09 17:11:46] Starting v400 Director game
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] Director pixelformat is: CLUT8
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: NinePatchBitmap::NinePatchBitmap(): Bad bitmap!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: NinePatchBitmap::NinePatchBitmap(): Bad bitmap!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Lingo Inited!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: No LINGO.INI!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: RIFX: type: APPL!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: mmap: version: 0!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: RIFX: type: MV93!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: mmap: version: 0!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Lingo::openXLib: Unimplemented xlib: 'XCMDGlue'!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Movie is from later version v404!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] Switching to Director v404
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] Reloading builtins
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Lingo::closeXLib: Unimplemented xlib: 'XCMDGlue'!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Lingo::openXLib: Unimplemented xlib: 'XCMDGlue'!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: STUB: Score::loadFrames(): frame1Offset: 0x14, version: 4, spriteRecordSize: 0x14, numChannels: 50, numChannelsDisplayed: 48!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: STUB: PalXObj::m_patchIt!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'PatToWindow' dropping return value: 0!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] Found font substitute for font 'Geneva-1-14' as 'Geneva-0-14'
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] Generated font 'Geneva-1-14'
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node2"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node3"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node4"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime1"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime2"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime3"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime4"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "buzz1.aif"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "piranha"!
[2024-05-09 17:11:47] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "istvan pely"!

when using the zipped version gotten from ScummVM Dumper Companion:

[2024-05-09 17:13:28] ScummVM 2.8.1 (Mar 24 2024 20:21:47)
[2024-05-09 17:13:28] Vorbis FLAC MP3 TiMidity RGB zLib MPEG2 FluidSynth MikMod Theora VPX AAC A/52 FreeType2 FriBiDi JPEG PNG taskbar TTS cloud (servers, local) ENet SDL2 TinyGL OpenGL (with shaders) OpenGL desktop only RetroWave
[2024-05-09 17:13:28] --- Log opened.
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Running Majestic Part I: Alien Encounter (Macintosh/English)
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Majestic: 01be45e7241194dad07938e7059b88e3, 483518 bytes.
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: SearchSet::add: archive '/Users/god/Documents/ScummVMgames/Majestic(MAC-HFS)' already present!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Starting v400 Director game
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Director pixelformat is: CLUT8
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: NinePatchBitmap::NinePatchBitmap(): Bad bitmap!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: NinePatchBitmap::NinePatchBitmap(): Bad bitmap!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Lingo Inited!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: No LINGO.INI!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: RIFX: type: APPL!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: mmap: version: 0!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: RIFX: type: MV93!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: mmap: version: 0!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Lingo::openXLib: Unimplemented xlib: 'XCMDGlue'!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Movie is from later version v404!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Switching to Director v404
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Reloading builtins
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Lingo::closeXLib: Unimplemented xlib: 'XCMDGlue'!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Lingo::openXLib: Unimplemented xlib: 'XCMDGlue'!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: STUB: Score::loadFrames(): frame1Offset: 0x14, version: 4, spriteRecordSize: 0x14, numChannels: 50, numChannelsDisplayed: 48!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: STUB: PalXObj::m_patchIt!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'PatToWindow' dropping return value: 0!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Found font substitute for font 'Geneva-1-14' as 'Geneva-0-14'
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] Generated font 'Geneva-1-14'
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node2"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node3"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node4"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime1"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime2"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime3"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime4"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "buzz1.aif"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "piranha"!
[2024-05-09 17:13:51] WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "istvan pely"!

Guess I have to join the party, today is Ascension day/Father's day,
Cheers! =)

comment:8 by Fehlversuch, 9 months ago

One more thought: I got a working Xcode-environment for iOS & macOS, @2.9.0git...
If I should do some further testing...
Have a great one.

comment:9 by mystrw1, 9 months ago

Hello. Just a gameplay status update from a Windows user...

Game- Majestic Part 1 : Alien Encounter
Game Engine- Director 4
Game Version- Windows
Game Language- English
ScummVM version- 2.9.0git4871-g86a9fd66c58 (May 26, 2024)
My OS- Win 10, 64-bit

As of today, it appears you've been able to return Majestic to the point it was at (the Windows version, at least...) prior to the recent regression you've experienced :

  • Game loads/starts from SCUMMVM launcher, briefly displays the s 2 credit screens (Piranah/Pely) and then displays the menu screen.
  • Start new game command works. Game briefly displays technical info./text/ship packet sreens. Mouse cursor changes from typical arrow to (blinking) "mouse" shaped cursor.
  • Clicking the mouse once makes "packet" screen disqppear and game screen goes blank (black screen) and with cursor disappears still available.
  • clicking on black screen brings up what appears to be a PDA with "UB Node Interface" written on it. The words "initializing interface" appear in red fornt just above the PDA's view screen. The game seems to lock up at this point but you can still quit using CTRL-Z. This is the progress point I believe the game was at (again, in Windows...) prior to the recent regression...

I noted the following in the SCUMMVM status window while running the game :

User picked target 'majestic-win' (engine ID 'director', game ID 'majestic')...

Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Macromedia Director

Running Majestic Part I: Alien Encounter (Windows/English)
MAJESTIC.EXE: 624267f70253e5327981003a6fc0aeba, 23437631 bytes.
WARNING: SearchSet::add: archive 'D:/Games/Majestic/Majestic/' already present!
Starting v400 Director game
Director pixelformat is: CLUT8
WARNING: NinePatchBitmap::NinePatchBitmap(): Bad bitmap!
WARNING: NinePatchBitmap::NinePatchBitmap(): Bad bitmap!
WARNING: Lingo Inited!
WARNING: DirectorEngine::loadEXEv4(): PJ93 projector flags: 0000000c!
WARNING: mmap: version: 0 offset: 0xa7729 (685865)!
WARNING: RIFX: type: MV93!
WARNING: mmap: version: 0 offset: 0xa7867 (686183)!
WARNING: Movie is from later version v404!
Switching to Director v404
Reloading builtins
WARNING: STUB: Score::loadFrames(): frame1Offset: 0x14, version: 4, spriteRecordSize: 0x14, numChannels: 50, numChannelsDisplayed: 48!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node2"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node3"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "node4"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime1"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime2"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime3"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "chime4"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "buzz1.aif"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "piranha"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "istvan pely"!
WARNING: Unknown file type for C:\ data\intro\theme.aif!
WARNING: stream is 0!
WARNING: Unknown file type for C:\ data\intro\theme.aif!
WARNING: stream is 0!
WARNING: Unknown file type for C:\ data\intro\theme.aif!
WARNING: stream is 0!

(Note: Edited here for brevity. The above last 2 warning lines repeat continually for a loooong time during game progression until they change to...)

WARNING: Unknown file type for C:\ data\intro\theme.aif!
WARNING: stream is 0!
WARNING: Unknown file type for C:\ data\intro\theme.aif!
WARNING: stream is 0!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line1.1"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line1.2"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line1.3"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line1.4"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line2.1"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line2.2"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line2.3"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line2.4"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line3.1"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line3.2"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line3.3"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line3.4"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line4.1"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line4.2"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line4.3"!
WARNING: Builtin 'preLoadCast' dropping return value: "line4.4"!
WARNING: Failed to open C:\ data\intro\overview.aif!
WARNING: stream is 0!
WARNING: Failed to find RIFF header!
WARNING: DigitalVideoCastMember::loadVideo(): format not supported, skipping!
WARNING: Failed to find RIFF header!
WARNING: DigitalVideoCastMember::loadVideo(): format not supported, skipping!
WARNING: DigitalVideoCastMember::createWidget: No video decoder!

The last 3 lines of Warnings above repeat continually while the game is locked up on the "PDA" screen...

Hoping this helps continuing efforts toward getting Majestic fully playable...

comment:10 by mystrw1, 9 months ago

One addit. thing I just noted. When I choose "Restore Old Game" on the menu screen, I'm taken to a SCUMM save game screen. I have no save games yet for Majestic. When I choose either "Cancel" or "Choose", I'm sent to the "PDA" screen ... and now a picture and sounds of a room in a ship are displayed/heard from the PDA view screen. Also, most of the buttons on the PDA work, including the "sys" button with the Save/Restore/Exit options which all work... Very strange...

comment:11 by tag2015, 6 months ago

Fehlversuch / mystrw1, could you please try again using a daily build?
The game should work properly now

comment:12 by mystrw1, 6 months ago

Tried running Majestic using new Scummvm daily build (2.9.0git6841-ga6feb6a9231 (August 22, 2024 04:49:13 (I believe...)). Unfortumately, no change to the "Start New Game" issues listed above. Windows ver. of game still hangs on the PDA screen with the "Initializing Interface" message displayed in Gameplay window and the looping 3 "Warning" liness in the Status window... (Ctrl-Z no longer allows you to exit the game...)

However, I did note that the "Restore Old Game" issue noted above now works as expected, so that is no longert an issue...

Thanks for your efforts...

comment:13 by rvanlaar, 3 months ago

I'm hoping to get this issue resolved before the next release.

I played through the beginning of the mac and win versions.
I didn't see the issues mentioned. If they are still there in your version please reply and share a screencast.

by mystrw1, 3 months ago

comment:14 by mystrw1, 3 months ago

This is where/how the Windows version of the game locks up on me...

comment:15 by rvanlaar, 3 months ago

That doesn't look like it should. Although the screenshot doesn't give me any info on what might be the issue.

Can you share the log?
i.e. -d5 --debugflags=lingoexec,loading
en preferably a screencast as well.

We only have two windows versions in our detection tables. An English and a German one.
What's your md5sum of the whole file and the head?

head -c 5000 majestic.exe |md5sum and md5sum majestic.exe

comment:16 by mystrw1, 3 months ago

I'm sorry but I have no clue how to provide you with the info. you're looking for here. I can only tell you that the game is recognized by ScummVM as the Windows/English verson of the game...

comment:17 by tag2015, 3 months ago

I'm on Win10 and the game works fine here.

Maybe it's a stupid question but, you do have the DATA folder containing all the resources?

In any case could you post the recursive list of files in your folder?
The easiest thing you can do in Windows is

  1. Open command prompt
  2. CD to the folder
  4. Attach FILELIST.TXT here

Ask if you need more help

comment:18 by rvanlaar, 3 months ago

For the MD5 sum please run the following in the command prompt.

  1. open command prompt
  2. CD to the scummvm folder
  3. .\scummvm.exe --md5 --md5-path="c:\path\majestic\majestic.exe" --md5-length=5000`
  4. .\scummvm.exe --md5 --md5-path="c:\path\majestic\majestic.exe"
  5. Report back the output of steps 3 and 4

To run with the debugflags:

  1. open command prompt
  2. CD to the scummvm folder
  3. .\scummvm.exe --debugflags=lingoexec,loading -d5 majestic-win
  4. attach the logfile to the bugtracker. Info on how to find the logfile:

comment:19 by tag2015, 3 months ago

@mystrw1 any update on this?
Also, to rule out the obvious, did you manually copy all the files from the disc/disc image, or you just ran the installer and added the install dir to scummvm?

comment:20 by mystrw1, 2 months ago

Operator error. From the questions you were asking me, I figured out my error and fixid it. Up and running now. My portion of this ticket is complete. Thank you...

comment:21 by tag2015, 2 months ago

Owner: set to rvanlaar
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks for the feedback. Closing as fixed

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.