Opened 2 weeks ago

Last modified 2 weeks ago

#15169 new defect

The game in 'quijote' seems to be an unknown game variant. engine: director-win-fallback

Reported by: BostonLow Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Director
Version: Keywords: El Quijote Interactivo
Cc: Game:


Name: El Quijote Interactivo. Language: Spanish and English. Company: InterAccion Multimedia.

Try un Windows 11 an iOS, ScummVM version: 2.8.0

You cannot hear the voices of the characters or the announcer in the game.

Matched game IDs for the director engine: director-win-fallback

Id your need The game I cant send your.

{"DQUIJOTE.EXE", 0, "t:4016edf8ec9240c649e8c2a0881669a6", 697019},

Change History (3)

comment:1 by BostonLow, 2 weeks ago

Summary: The game in 'quijote' seems to be an unknown game variant.The game in 'quijote' seems to be an unknown game variant. engine: director-win-fallback

comment:2 by BostonLow, 2 weeks ago

Component: --Unset--Engine: Director

comment:3 by antoniou79, 2 weeks ago

For visual reference the game is the one shown in this video from Youtube:

As far as I can tell it was released in 1996 (it could be 1995).

Google search returned a demo on the cover disc of a Spanish magazine for PC called "PCMania". The demo is on the cover disc of issue number 39, from January 1996.

The demo is also using the Director engine, but unfortunately its files do not seem to be properly grouped in a folder on the CD ROM, but rather the exe file to launch it is on the root folder mixed with other data files that are for the launcher of the cover disc GUI menu and it's not easy to tell which subfolders belong to the game. Launching that demo via ScummVM (using the fallback detection) reaches the main screen for language selection, with no sounds, and then clicking on the buttons does nothing.

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