Custom Query (20 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#14279 MD5: TINSEL: Unknown game variant for tinsel: American Discworld 2 demo new defect high
#6013 TINSEL: DW1 - Act 2: Amazon dialog still skipping in GRA Versions new defect normal
#6271 TINSEL: DW1 - Can't take custard book new bluegr defect normal
#6395 TINSEL: Discworld (PSX) - "Eye of Offla" scene stays fully lit new defect normal
#7047 TINSEL: DW - Graphic Glitch when opening inventory new defect normal
#10176 TINSEL: DW2 (German) - displaced pixels in Intro new defect normal
#10659 TINSEL: DW1: Act4 hidden city guards crash new defect normal
#13146 TINSEL: Discworld intro graphical glitch new defect normal
#14627 TINSEL: Discworld - black screen after skipping with esc at the psygnosis logo at the beginning or at the twg logo or at perfect 10 productions logo new defect normal
#14692 Android: Discworld volume settings don't affect sound, except mute all. new defect normal
#14696 TINSEL: Discworld cd English, in act 3 boogeyman font in the bar cellar room is DEATH font, apparently by mistake new defect normal
#14698 TINSEL: When in act IV (final act), the dragon disappears from the square where it challenges rincewind and reappears at the end new defect normal
#14715 TINSEL: make discworld 1 cutscenes skippable with a mouse press\click (maybe a long one) new feature request normal
#15265 TINSEL: Virtual keyboard gets hidden when skipping cutscenes or at the end of cutscenes new defect normal
#15306 TINSEL: Various glitches in Discworld1 Macintosh Japanese new defect normal
#10657 TINSEL: DW1: Actor goes invisible when shooting dragon new defect low
#10658 TINSEL: DW1: ACT3 Guard floating equals new defect low
#10661 TINSEL: DW1: Dark world barman can't leave via dialogue new defect low
#10957 TINSEL: DW1 - Psy office event not triggered new defect low
#11368 Unknown game variant for tinsel - Discworld (PSX, Japanese) new dreammaster feature request low
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