Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#11223 Handle surround sound-encoded OGG and FLAC files more gracefully new feature request normal
#11439 SCI: Add support for Ultimate Kings Quest 4 with Amiga sounds and Munt Support new feature request normal
#13455 DECODERS: migrate from 'libmad' to 'libmpg123' new feature request normal
#13843 SCUMM: MI1 EGA: No sound effects when using Roland MT-32 Emulation new defect normal
#13968 AUDIO: Laura Bow 2 ladder sound not playing in 2 of the 3 Adlib emulators new defect normal
#14075 AUDIO: Volume settings are not applied on startup new defect normal
#7283 ALL: Favor Adlib over MT32 for SFX tracks new feature request low
#7762 OPL: Real OPL support for AdLib audio new feature request low
#12537 AUDIO: Support hardware OPL on Windows new feature request low
#13611 Retrowave is not enabled on 2.6 Windows Build new feature request low
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.