Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7546 SCUMM: Keymapper support for Sam and Max new keymapper agent-q feature request normal
#7569 AGI: Add the function keys to the keymap new keymapper feature request normal
#10979 Feature Request: Text box above virtual keyboard for Starship Titanic and other games new feature request virtual keyboard obstruction feature request normal
#11360 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - scrolling should be smooth (also a special cursor while loading data) new monkey island, scrolling, cursor, segacd, mi1 defect normal
#11462 IOS: Apple Magic Keyboard support new magic keyboard, touchpad, ipad feature request normal
#12778 Crusader: No Remorse - Num Pad Keys do not change with capslock new Crusader; Numeric; Keypad feature request low
#13014 SCUMM: Monkey Island EGA: MT32 episode presentation music loops where it shouldn't new MT32, music, loop, monkey, ega defect normal
#13127 GRIM: Grim Fandango - change default controller keys new grim, linux, controller, joystick, keymap, 2.5.0 feature request low
#13472 HYPNO: Some of the hotkeys detailed in the manual do not work yet with ScummVM new hotkeys, main menu neuromancer defect normal
#14011 ULTIMA8: Optional stacks automerging new keyboard modifier ergonomics feature request normal
#14422 ANDROID: Support more virtual keyboard language layouts new Language, Keyboard, Layout, Virtual Keyboard feature request normal
#14856 LOL: Add more hotkeys to cast spells in Lands of Lore new keyboards shortcuts feature request normal
#15201 PARALLACTION: Use custom actions for the keymapper new keymapper defect low
#15265 TINSEL: Virtual keyboard gets hidden when skipping cutscenes or at the end of cutscenes new android virtual keyboard hide cutscenes defect normal
#15280 GRIM: Keymap for Pick up/Take away doesn't work in Spanish version new spanish inventory grinder keymap shortcut defect normal
#15638 SCUMM: Monkey Island 1 and Passport to Adventure demo for DOS both don't honor overridden volume settings for Adlib new adlib scumm monkey island mi1 ega vga passport dos defect normal
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