Custom Query (44 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#15621 REMORSE: Crusader: No Remorse hangs or crashes when jumping onto conveyor belts from certain angles new defect high
#11487 ULTIMA6: German patch version is not in German language new defect normal
#11647 ULTIMA: some Nuvie settings do not carry over to ScummVM new defect normal
#11665 ULTIMA: Spell Sounds new defect normal
#11719 ULTIMA: Galloping in Combat new defect normal
#11720 ULTIMA: Fire fields aren't making damage sound new defect normal
#11721 ULTIMA: Galloping horse makes same noise as non-galloping horse new defect normal
#11949 ULTIMA: Missing/incorrect graphics in the main menu new defect normal
#11955 ULTIMA: falling down is not happening new defect normal
#12540 ULTIMA6:: Great Light spell only illuminates part of the screen new defect normal
#12612 ULTIMA6: Talking to Peasant NPC in Yew Prison can trigger Gargoyle NPC Dialog new defect normal
#12748 REMORSE: Silencer does not correctly follow Vargas at the end of Mission 2 new defect normal
#12749 REMORSE: FMV difference: background should be faded to greyscale new defect normal
#12750 REMORSE: Enemy AI does not exactly match original new defect normal
#12751 REMORSE: Differences from original game when controlling Thresher cannon new defect normal
#12759 REMORSE: Rendering order issue - items sometimes disappear new defect normal
#13281 ULTIMA: Crusader No Regret, Crusader No Remorse, Ultima VIII are added by the Launcher twice in mass add new defect normal
#13785 REMORSE: mouse rotation doesn't work new defect normal
#13876 ULTIMA8: smart navigation make avatar run in circles new defect normal
#14011 ULTIMA8: Optional stacks automerging new feature request normal
#14030 ULTIMA8: Changelings don't change new defect normal
#14790 ULTIMA1: Do not bundle ultima*.dat files with it new feature request normal
#14829 ULTIMA8: Difficulty using stairs in Daemon's Crag houses new defect normal
#14867 ULTIMA8: NPCs keep moving during conversation new defect normal
#14871 ULTIMA8: Fireballs after releasing Pyros can get stuck in mid-air new defect normal
#14958 ULTIMA6: Move Item command doesn't prompt to split an item stack new defect normal
#15038 ULTIMA4: Title screen not displaying correctly new defect normal
#15104 ULTIMA8: Option to disable the turning animations when turning the Avatar around new feature request normal
#15342 ULTIMA8: Problem with fonts substitution in spanish version new defect normal
#15373 ULTIMA8: Original Cheats Not Available new feature request normal
#15455 ULTIMA6: party roster doesn't work with "new style" game style new defect normal
#15511 MD5: ULTIMA6: Patched game variant with german translation new defect normal
#12019 ULTIMA8: Bentic talks to himself during conversation new defect low
#12302 ULTIMA4: Moongate remains on screen new defect low
#12304 ULTIMA4: 2nd combat instance applies Quickness to all party members new dreammaster defect low
#12480 ULTIMA4:: sound FX loops new defect low
#12481 ULTIMA4: Text Colorization does not work new defect low
#12484 ULTIMA4: Dungeon Combat always skips the first character new defect low
#12778 Crusader: No Remorse - Num Pad Keys do not change with capslock new feature request low
#14311 ULTIMA8: Disappearing Stepping Stone new defect low
#14314 ULTIMA8: Stacked sorcery reagents do not display number new feature request low
#14316 ULTIMA8: Enable cheater room teleport new feature request low
#14842 ULTIMA8: Paperdoll gump does not remember postion new defect low
#15462 ULTIMA6: Remove obsolete options from Nuvie options menu new feature request low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.