Custom Query (24 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#5724 MD5: MOHAWK: LB - Various missing games (chacksums included) new fuzzie defect high
#6266 MOHAWK: LB - Extended Characters in Living Books Outline File new fuzzie defect normal
#6380 MOHAWK: LB - Bad config file causes engine abort in Sheila Rae French new fuzzie defect normal
#7146 MOHAWK: Riven's movies don't quite match the still scenes in terms of color. new defect normal
#10135 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics glitch after Gehn leaves office. new defect low
#10557 MOHAWK: MYST: Thumbnail has black top and bottom new defect low
#10574 MOHAWK: MYST ME: Held pages look off in a few ages new defect normal
#10578 MOHAWK: MYST: Matches and Held pages new defect low
#10593 MOHAWK: RIVEN: Riven25 can't view saved games as thumbnail list new defect normal
#10728 MOHAWK: MYST: ES: Marker instructions wrong new defect normal
#12044 MOHAWK: Myst ME: Wrong map colors in the GOG Polish version new tag2015 defect normal
#12082 MOHAWK: Looping videos aren't quite seamless in Riven (DVD) new defect normal
#12597 3DS, MOHAWK: Checkerboard pattern on lower screen in non-video scenes new defect low
#12821 MOHAWK: Myst - Blue and Red pages dropping whenever mouse clicked new defect normal
#13905 MOHAWK: Little Monster at School errors on page 16 new defect normal
#13919 MOHAWK: LB - Missing shortcuts new defect normal
#14401 MD5: MOHAWK: Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect high
#14402 MD5: MOHAWK: Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect high
#15024 MD5: MOHAWK: Unknown game (Noah's Ark) new defect normal
#15042 MD5: MOHAWK: Unknown game variant (Harry And the Haunted House - Living Books) new defect normal
#15253 MOHAWK: Riven: Spinning dome opening switch input is not matched to corresponding symbol timing new defect normal
#15254 MOHAWK: Riven: Trapping self in trap book results in ending videos beginning prematurely new defect normal
#11913 MOHAWK: MYST: Include the Rime Age from the PSP port of Myst new feature request normal
#14915 ScummVM Tools: Mohawk Bitmaps new feature request normal
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