Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#9720 WME: The Shine of a Star - Problems at shovel puzzle scene new defect high
#6453 WME: Rosemary - Text glitch new somaen defect normal
#6533 WME: Ghost in the Sheet - Freeze of final cutscenes new defect normal
#6569 WME: Rhiannon - Animation freeze of the final outtro new defect normal
#6649 WME: 5MA - wasps animation is too slow new somaen defect normal
#6652 WME: white chamber - bot flickers when changing directions new somaen defect normal
#6653 WME: white chamber - slow scrolling new somaen defect normal
#6722 WME: The Kite - Script runtime errors new somaen defect normal
#9683 WME: Helga Deep in Trouble - Graphic mistake new defect normal
#11007 WME: 1 1/2 Ritter - Menu font problem new defect normal
#13540 WME: Display shrunk and stuck in corner for Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches new defect normal
#6203 WME: Dirty Split - Dialog coming out of wrong character (original bug) new lolbot-iichan defect low
#6721 WME: The Kite - Overlapping bug new lolbot-iichan defect low
#11287 WME: Some games are using same fonts for selected and normal text new defect low
#13949 WME3D: Limbo of the Lost - sprite color and transparency issue new defect low
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