Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#4821 PARALLACTION: Nippon - "Push the button" verb appears when it shouldn't new peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5866 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Credits are drawn behind wall new peres defect low Engine: Parallaction
#11355 PARALLACTION: Nippon Safes (Amiga/DOS) - intro reset new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#12780 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Donna not disguised new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13440 PARALLACTION: Nippon - "Door keeper" hotspot still interactable until dialogue tree is empty new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13441 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Flickering objects new defect low Engine: Parallaction
#13442 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Donna vanishing when in disguise new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13443 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Dino vanishing after restarting new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13444 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Scene initialization bug new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13445 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Scene initialization does not respect (save) state new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13446 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Hotspot bug new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13599 PARALLACTION: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate items new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#15202 PARALLACTION: In-application help for the manual protection new feature request low Engine: Parallaction
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.