Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#13599 new defect

PARALLACTION: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate items

Reported by: dmrcghn Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Parallaction
Version: Keywords:
Cc: dmrcghn Game: Nippon Safes

Description (last modified by dmrcghn)

SCUMMVM version: ScummVM 2.5.1 (Jan 5 2022 13:37:42) (from Arch Linux repositories)
Language: English
Version: Amiga freeware from ScummVM site
OS: Arch Linux
Steps to reproduce:
1) Skip intro and enter the code to start with Doug
2) Go south (highway)
3) You'll start at the right edge of the screen. Go right.
2) Go right (highway)
3) You'll start at the left edge of the screen. Go left.
The cutscene will play again and you'll have duplicate items. Reproducible many times. Unavoidable because to progress in the game you have to go south, pick an item, pass through this screen and go right to use the payphone.

Not game breaking but very annoying as it makes using the inventory a hassle.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by dmrcghn, 3 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by dmrcghn, 3 years ago

Summary: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate itemsPARALLALACTION: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate items

Apparently duplicate of #11355 but it's still reproducible after 2 years.

comment:3 by dmrcghn, 3 years ago

Summary: PARALLALACTION: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate itemsPARALLACTION: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate items
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