Opened 4 years ago

#12780 new defect

PARALLACTION: Nippon - Donna not disguised

Reported by: TrivialBalderdash Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Parallaction
Version: Keywords:
Cc: TrivialBalderdash Game: Nippon Safes


During the visit to the Lucky Look to get the disguise as the signer, Donna disappears. After the animation and cut scene, the character is gone. I can still move the mouse around the screen, but am unable to exit the scene. I can talk to Figaro and start the whole process again. In that case, Donna appears briefly for the animation of sitting in the chair, but then disappears again. The dialogue that normally ends the sequence never appears either "Et Voila! Mademoiselle is served...", followed by Donna replying, "Hey, not too bad at all!"

A save and reload doesn't resolve the issue, but a save, restart ScummVM, and reload does show Donna again (though without the disguise). She is in disguise, since you can now fool the emperor, but doesn't look any different.

This is seen on ScummVM 2.2 and also a July 3 nightly build on MacOS 10.14. I'm using the game files recently made available on the ScummVM website.

No errors are reported in the console window.
Related to #3444?
Savegame is attached, after getting the disguise.

Thank you for taking a look into this.

Attachments (2)

nippon.005 (391 bytes ) - added by TrivialBalderdash 4 years ago.
image-20210804-123734.png (489.6 KB ) - added by TrivialBalderdash 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by TrivialBalderdash, 4 years ago

Attachment: nippon.005 added

by TrivialBalderdash, 4 years ago

Attachment: image-20210804-123734.png added
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