Custom Query (49 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#11782 EMI: The ankle bracelet is visible through the palace'o prostheses counter new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11783 EMI: When exiting the file retrieval system controls, Guybrush's line is below the action verbs new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11785 EMI: When future guybrush comes through the locked gate he flickers new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11786 EMI: Guybrush rotates weirdly when talking to the catapult operator new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11787 EMI: Guybrush walks through the dart players new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11788 EMI: WARNING: Lua: call expression not a function! spams the log once the ship is back on Melee Island new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11789 EMI: Wrong footstep sounds on the Jambalaya beach new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11791 EMI: Hard to get across the bridge to meathook's house new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11792 EMI: Dart players in the Scumm Bar stop playing new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11793 EMI: Light looks like it flickers by the bartender in the Scumm Bar new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11795 EMI: PS2 Menu, the controller menu does not show a PS2-controller new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11796 EMI: PS2 Menu, the Triangle/Square/Rectangle/X-sprites are not shown new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11797 EMI: PS2 options menu, the text speed bananas are not all visible new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11799 EMI: PS2, the menu has no background new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11800 EMI: PS2 controls don't work cross-screen new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11802 EMI: PS2 videos have flicker at the bottom new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11803 EMI: PS2 "no memory card"-message doesn't fit inside the box it's supposed to new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11805 EMI: Memory-card support is missing from PS2-version new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11806 EMI: PS2 attract-screen locks up when it's expecting to show a demo new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11807 EMI: The text in the scene tri is placed incorrectly new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11809 EMI: Some text is placed 1 pixel too low new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11814 EMI: The diving judges signs show through the desk new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11816 EMI: Actors are drawn through the port authority building on Lucre new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11817 EMI: Ozzie has odd pathing when getting his cane new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11819 EMI: Guybrush rotates at a weird angle when getting on the raft new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11820 EMI: Guybrush is visible through the city hall door new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11824 EMI: Issues with logs facing the wrong direction and going through other logs new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11831 EMI: Text in memory-card dialogue for PS2 is misaligned new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11832 EMI: Some lines are not spoken new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11849 EMI: When switching sets wrong setup is rendered breifly new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11862 EMI: Dark lines in the intro with TinyGL, clamping not supported new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11865 EMI: PS2: Game stuck at bio-luminescent fish catching new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11866 EMI: PS2: Crash at scumm bar / darts players new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11870 EMI: Sawdust Graphics Issues new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11873 EMI: Miss Rivers walks through Yannia's chair new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11886 EMI: Guybrush can get stuck after bumping into the LUA bar waitress new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11940 Add both Traditional and Simplified Chinese support for Escape From Monkey Island. new feature request normal Engine: Grim
#13459 EMI: Crashes during cutscenes with subtitles on new defect normal Engine: Grim
#13461 BACKENDS: OPENGLSDL: Stretched in full screen pending sev- defect normal Graphics
#13467 Built in Point & Click Support for GRIM Games new feature request normal Engine: Grim
#13736 EMI: Trying to pick up sign in Hall Of Justice crashes ScummVM new defect normal Engine: Grim
#11766 GRIM: EMI - french version shows english subtitles new defect low Engine: Grim
#11790 EMI: Some text is split incorrectly new defect low Engine: Grim
#11794 EMI: Lever of the stove in LUA bar misplaced new defect low Engine: Grim
#11798 EMI: When using grease on mat at pegleg petes you have to face it from the right to be able to activate the use grease line new defect low Engine: Grim
#11822 EMI: Guybrush walks through tourist body new defect low Engine: Grim
#11828 EMI: Missing subtitles by default in demo (french/german) new defect low Engine: Grim
#11847 EMI: Animated sea surface texture looks clamped instead of repeated in set "shi" with TinyGL new defect low Engine: Grim
#12178 EMI: Slight movement of the analogue joystick for short moment causes Guybrush to move indefinitely new defect low Engine: Grim
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