Custom Query (18 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#4388 AGI: Incorrect CGA palette new sev- defect normal
#5730 AGI: Winnie: Color flood fill issue new m-kiewitz defect normal
#7049 AGI: KQ2 - Bell Sound for PC Speaker Is Off new defect normal
#7569 AGI: Add the function keys to the keymap new feature request normal
#7793 AGI: Better mapping for mouse buttons new feature request normal
#7839 AGI: Add three voice MIDI with AGI games. new feature request normal
#11513 AGI: SQ2 (AppleIIGS) - frame/audio sync issues new defect normal
#14454 AGI: Winnie the Pooh unable to parse wind sound (sound 10) new defect normal
#14549 AGI: Missing fill in Winnie the Pooh (pre-AGI!) new defect normal
#15098 AGI: KQ2: Dracula Never Appears in his Castle (Except in his Coffin) new defect normal
#15130 AGI: KQ3: Triggering for Overheard Mice Conversation Seems to be Broken new defect normal
#15145 AGI: SQ2: Text Boxes Moving Too Quickly new defect normal
#15293 AGI: LSL1: When the same message is repeated, it's not obvious that they're individual messages new defect normal
#9725 AGI IIgs: shift key commands don't work new m-kiewitz defect low
#9726 AGI IIgs: implement inventory/see object screen new defect low
#10444 AGI: Graphics glitch when reloading a savegame after dying new defect low
#15138 AGI: LSL1: Error in the Age Quiz at the Beginning of the Game new defect low
#15346 GRAPHICS: Text Boxes Not Appearing in External Captures new defect low
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