

09:25 Ticket #6800 (ZVISION Cannot be compiled on Android - FreeType2 isn't available) closed by ccawley2011
fixed: All Android toolchains on the buildbot now have FreeType, as well as …


21:35 Ticket #11541 (AGOS: Feeble Files: Unsupported german version) created by SharkBlueEyes
Windows, 4 CD, german version "FLOYD" This is an official translation, …


11:23 Ticket #11540 (Speed control) created by JohnnyWalkerDesign
With CRUISE being a game in 3D, it's possible to play it at different …
11:20 Ticket #11539 (CRUISE: Add Amiga sound support) created by JohnnyWalkerDesign
This is just a request to add support to the Amiga version of CRUISE …


15:07 Ticket #11538 (BASE: ODR violations (-flto)) created by lacc97
Compilation of 2.1.2 with -flto on Gentoo Linux (GCC 10.1) generates …


09:04 Ticket #11537 (SCUMM: Cut off text in the Macintosh version of Loom) created by eriktorbjorn
I've known about this for quite a while, but I haven't seen any proper …
08:51 Ticket #10949 (MOHAWK: Just Grandma and Me - only English starts, German and French ...) closed by raziel-
duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #7066
08:40 Ticket #6879 (GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Blount stuck in chair in Queen level) closed by raziel-
duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #4620
06:41 Ticket #6275 (GROOVIE: T7G - MIDI polyphony bug) closed by raziel-
duplicate: Duplicate of #4354
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.