Custom Query (22 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#14110 ANDROID: STARK: Actors are missing when using the OpenGL with shaders renderer new defect high Port: Android
#14462 STARK: Only actors are visible in OpenGL 1.3 rendering mode new dwatteau defect high Engine: Stark
#11863 STARK: April looking in the wrong direction at mole people village new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11864 STARK: April standing over void at Roper Klacks castle new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11867 STARK: Incorrect scene transition at Roper Klacks castle new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11868 STARK: April marked as usable object new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11869 STARK: Clothes line dissapears if you try to add it to the clamp new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11876 STARK/TLJ: Camera pans too fast new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11880 STARK: April floating on the raft is not in sync with background sea new defect normal Engine: Stark
#11885 STARK: chapter 4 - Strange creature wont talk new defect normal Engine: Stark
#13449 STARK: Diary text scaled wrongly if going back and forwards between fullscreen and windowed new defect normal Engine: Stark
#13450 STARK: Videos and graphics don't match in tone, making transitions a tad jarring new defect normal Engine: Stark
#13768 STARK: TLJ no longer uses correct aspect ratio (stretched, widescreen bug/regression) pending ccawley2011 defect normal Engine: Stark
#13793 STARK: Background image overlapping text and icons new defect normal Engine: Stark
#14586 STARK: Sound buggy on Linux new defect normal Engine: Stark
#14824 ANDROID: STARK: Crash when launching The Longest Journey on Android 13 new defect normal Engine: Stark
#15053 BACKENDS: AMIGAOS: The Longest Journey - another unsupported GL uniform? new defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#15313 STARK: TLJ: April should run when double-clicking on action icon in pop-up new feature request normal Engine: Stark
#11889 STARK: No dedicated "listKnowledges" command new defect low Engine: Stark
#11890 STARK: listLocations debug command should print actual location numbers, not file paths new defect low Engine: Stark
#12966 STARK: April spins around on right side of Mercury Theatre entrance scene new defect low Engine: Stark
#12973 STARK: Dialogue line cut in half, stops reproducing new defect low Engine: Stark
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