Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#10305 TITANIC: Border lines showing for face slot components in Titania close-up new defect normal
#10979 Feature Request: Text box above virtual keyboard for Starship Titanic and other games new feature request normal
#11558 TITANIC: Missing QSound Positional Audio new defect normal
#12616 TITANIC: Glitch when loading game that was saved during conversation new defect normal
#12951 TITANIC: Error when moving an old savegame to make room for an autosave new defect normal
#13122 TITANIC: Starship Titanic Animations Lag new defect normal
#15162 TITANIC: Using the word "that" when talking to a character causes a segfault new defect normal
#10523 TITANIC: SGT Room Transition video has black spots new defect low
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