Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#12331 AGS: Blackwell Unbound (Steam, Win): Difficulty selecting the lit cigarette at endgame dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12446 AGS: Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots - Acturan Mystic dialogue is transparent dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#15041 AGS: Earl Mansin crashes to debugger after pressing New game (win11, x64 24-03-23 daily build) tag2015 defect normal Engine: AGS
#12381 AGS: Reading empty music channel's properties causes null pointer exception. dreammaster patch normal Engine: AGS
#13947 SCUMM: Only partially translated original GUI in DOTT dwatteau defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#12501 TWINE / VITA: Little Big Adventure Runs Slow on PSP Vita mgerhardy defect normal Port: PSP Vita
#14808 TWINE: A couple of glitches from using the holomap mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#13666 TWINE: Able to push crates into walls in the warehouse mgerhardy defect blocker Engine: TwinE
#13166 TWINE: Black and white palette mgerhardy defect high Engine: TwinE
#14776 TWINE: LBA - Twinsen can't climb ladder at ever and zoom scene glitched... mgerhardy defect blocker Engine: TwinE
#13665 TWINE: Meca Penguin not working mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#13676 TWINE: Pressing W to talk to people in sporty mode also makes you jump after the interaction finishes mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#14805 TWINE: black screen after snow lift cutscene mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
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