#14776 closed defect (pending)
TWINE: LBA - Twinsen can't climb ladder at ever and zoom scene glitched...
Reported by: | DjDiabolik | Owned by: | mgerhardy |
Priority: | blocker | Component: | Engine: TwinE |
Version: | Keywords: | Climb Ladder Glitch issue | |
Cc: | Game: | Little Big Adventure |
Some days ago i have tryed the current daily build whit first game or Twinsen Little Big Adventure.
The games works good but all scene have the zoom feature it's glitched and it's become a complete flash and somethigs like glitch.
There's another big issue.... apparently when you come in front of a ladder twinsen can't seem able to climb here:
I have tryed in "normal" no works.
In "sport" twinsed goes to hit the wall and lost life
In "aggressive" no work
In "discrete" ever
Lol.... it's fixable ?
Attachments (2)
Change History (12)
comment:1 by , 13 months ago
by , 13 months ago
Attachment: | lba-win-1.004 added |
comment:2 by , 13 months ago
Ok, I'm attaching a saved game near the start of the game (first "dungeon").
I can reproduce the issue (ScummVM 2.8.0 and ScummVM 2.9.0git), if I fall in the sewer part of the small map, it seems impossible to climb the ladder up the platform.
comment:3 by , 13 months ago
Summary: | LBA - Twinsen can't climb ladder at ever and zoom scene glitched... → TWINE: LBA - Twinsen can't climb ladder at ever and zoom scene glitched... |
by , 13 months ago
Attachment: | lba-win-1.003 added |
comment:4 by , 13 months ago
The attachment:lba-win-1.003 saved game is for testing the zoom-on glitch. Make sure "scenery zoom-on" is enabled from the game options and then move twinsen (sneaking behind the guard's post to go undetected), on the garbage pile, turn sneaking on again and press action (w or space bar). When Twinsen boards the garbage truck the zoom on is trying to be enabled, but the display seems to randomly glitch out, and in my case it flashes momentatily in zoomed-in display and quickly goes back to zoomed-out.
comment:6 by , 13 months ago
0517e015fc706bbf1915d968594aed13af0887b1 introduced the ladder bug - the removal of
comment:7 by , 13 months ago
Owner: | set to |
Resolution: | → pending |
Status: | new → closed |
Thanks a lot for the report - the bug should be fixed in the 2.8 branch and in master now. Feedback is welcome. Also pushing boxes, opening doors or driving vehicles (all affected by the collision code changes) could get a second view.
comment:8 by , 13 months ago
I've opened another ticket for the scenery zoom - see https://bugs.scummvm.org/ticket/14795 - let's keep this one for collision stuff with ladders.
comment:9 by , 13 months ago
About some hours ago, i have updated my "Daily Build" scummvm and yes i can confirm the Ladder can now be used whitout any issue.
It's present alot of bug i can report... for example:
- On hymalaia i can pick the snowboad. If i use the red card to use the ski lift i can see the little cutscene but after that the screen become completely back and the games, in my case, it's completely stuck and i can only force close Scummvm.
This similar it's append in other parts... one time for example when i dead and lost the last life... the games apparently goes in stuck and i need to reload a previous savestate.
I have also a lot of confusion... because it's present two different choices of LBA1 ?
Where's the best ? And in my case i have the italian dos version it's exist an optimal configuration to play this games ?
One question it's:
I have rip my CD to LBA.iso... from iso i have copyed all files (i hope all files it's compied correct) and extract all audio track and converted that to .ogg files but how i need to rename this track ?
on CD the first track it's the "data" then the first audio track it's the second... i need rename it's track02.ogg track03 ecc. ecc. or track01 ?
comment:10 by , 13 months ago
Regarding the music: https://docs.scummvm.org/en/latest/use_scummvm/game_files.html#cd-audio
Black screen: I've created a new ticket for this one: https://bugs.scummvm.org/ticket/14805
I couldn't reproduce the stuck-after-death-issue. Do you have any more details regarding this one? Please mention all the issues you find. Much appreciated.
Could you provide a saved game file for us to test and reproduce the issue?