Custom Query (14000 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#52 fixed Sam and Max: Inventory Hack (FIXME) SF/ender SF/demon

By changing the error() call for the stub of o6_miscOps_108 to a warning(), the game continues. However, when I have Sam and Max ride the "Cone o'Tragedy", then take the claim ticket to the Lost & Found, I never get my inventory back. I go walk in, and the attendant tells Sam everything they've found today is his - but clicking the inventory button brings up an empty inventory. I don't see any stubbed functions getting called in the program's stdout/stderr, so I can only assume whatever routine it is that is supposed to save (or restore?) the inventory is not saving (or restoring?) it properly.

Ticket imported from: #493153. Ticket imported from: bugs/52.

#53 fixed Strange actors movement (2) SF/strigeus SF/jackburton

For the second time in the story of ScummVM, actors move strangely. It seems that they ignore boxes bounds. Look here, for example:

Ticket imported from: #493349. Ticket imported from: bugs/53.

#54 fixed SDL: fullRedraw flag not reset SF/strigeus SF/stauff1


In sdl.cpp, the fullRedraw flag can be set when the number of rectangles to be redrawn exceeds a threshold, but not reset. This causes the program to become unresponsive and hog a lot of cpu. The fix is fairly simple, around line 254, add a line like so:

.... if (fullRedraw) { SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0,0,0,0); + fullRedraw = false; #if defined(SHOW_AREA) ....


- Matthew Duggan

Ticket imported from: #493614. Ticket imported from: bugs/54.

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