Custom Query (6 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#13239 ScummVM Classic Theme: Translation into other languages. new Classic theme, translation, languages, update feature request normal
#15248 AGS: Support the french translations of KQ1/2 AGDI remakes new Fan Translation feature request normal
#15328 GUI: Some strings missing French translation new Translation defect normal
#13480 AGS: Support existing (Spanish) Fan Translations for AGDI (KQ2/KQ3/AlEmmo) and Infamous (SQ2) new Translations, AGS, King Quest, Al Emmo, Space Quest feature request normal
#14778 TWINE: Some in-game options are being translated to ??? new translation, broken, menu, options defect normal
#11367 WEB: I18N and punctuation improvements pending web, I18N, internacionalization, translation IlDucci feature request normal
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