Custom Query (8 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#9664 BACKENDS: Win64 - Conf parameter still creates files in %appdata% thus breaking portability (create portable mode) new feature request normal
#13423 PORTS: Tests do not compile with Visual Studio new defect normal
#14000 Add Build for Windows on ARM64 new feature request normal
#14789 Win64 - ini file got reset shortly after using v2.8.0 new defect normal
#14818 WIN32: Drive letters in browser_lastpath are punycoded in scummvm.ini new defect normal
#15012 WIN32: High-DPI scaling on OpenGL-rendered games cause mouse DPI to scale down new defect normal
#15051 Win64 - 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filename new defect normal
#15096 compilation issue: no more ARM64 cpu optimisations (NEON) new defect low
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.