Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#14554 PLUGINS: ELF loader doesn't handle mixed ARM and Thumb code new defect high Ports
#7720 GUI: default option new feature request normal GUI
#11274 SCI: LSL7: Cannot input regional Polish characters, thus cannot finish the game new defect normal Engine: SCI
#5745 SAGA: ITE (Floppy) - Audio loops and game stops responding new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#7597 ITE: Add support for Inherit the Earth OS X bundle new feature request normal Engine: SAGA
#7564 FOTAQ code modifications (mostly for greek translation) pending feature request normal Engine: Queen
#11479 NEVERHOOD: Game crashes at certain scene pending defect normal Engine: Neverhood
#11636 ILLUSIONS: Duckman: Subtitle timing is too fast to read new defect normal Engine: Illusions
#14285 GLK: ADRIFT: Core Dump when starting new title through "Return to Launcher" new defect normal Engine: GLK: Adrift
#4388 AGI: Incorrect CGA palette new defect normal Engine: AGI
#7527 Recognize zipped savegame when no Zlib was compiled new feature request normal --Other--
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