Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15182 ACCESS: Reduced performance with the DS port new performance defect normal
#14267 AUDIO: Possible optimisations for the software mixer new performance feature request normal
#15185 CGE2: Reduced performance with the DS port new performance defect normal
#15186 CGE: Reduced performance with the DS port new performance defect normal
#15189 CINE: Reduced performance with the DS port new performance defect normal
#14853 COMMON: Rework path handling causes performance regression new performance,regression defect normal
#15191 CRYO: Reduced performance during cutscenes with the DS port new performance defect normal
#13389 DRAGONS: Rendering is excessively slow on older devices new slow rendering,performance defect normal
#14574 GOB: Excessive blitting drags performance down pending gobliiins, performance sdelamarre defect normal
#14557 HYPNO: Screen mode should change when cutscenes are playing new performance neuromancer defect normal
#14558 SCI: Use the SCI32 SOL decoder for SCI 0-1.1 games new performance defect normal
#14452 TETRAEDGE: Syberia 1/2 very slow video rendering issues in menus new performance,theora defect normal
#14749 TETRAEDGE: Use BlitImages in the TinyGL renderer new performance defect high
#15184 VIDEO: Indeo 3 playback is very slow new performance defect normal
#15198 VIDEO: Smacker playback is slow new performance defect normal
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