Opened 9 days ago

#15184 new defect

VIDEO: Indeo 3 playback is very slow

Reported by: ccawley2011 Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Video
Version: Keywords: performance
Cc: Game:


When playing Indeo 3 videos on the DS, the frame rate is extremely low and falls behind the audio track.

When I last investigated, there were two main culprits:

  • The YUV411 conversion performs bilinear interpolation, which is slower than it is without filtering
  • The playback code in the BBVS engine performs unnecessary extra copies
  • Many engines will always delay for 10 milliseconds without taking the time taken to decode the last frame into account. PR #5740 has a proof of concept solution for this.

This was observed with the Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity demo.

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