Custom Query (8 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11427 BACKENDS: MACOSX - Multiple games crash or have other errors if the user doesn't allow ScummVM access to the Documents folder new saving, platform dependant I/O access defect normal
#12931 GRIM: Grim Fandango invisible Manny near beginning of the game new renderer defect normal
#13169 MYST3: missing scene transition effect on PowerPC (big-endian) machines on all OSes new big endian, BE, Myst3, AmigaOS defect normal
#13389 DRAGONS: Rendering is excessively slow on older devices new slow rendering,performance defect normal
#14407 3DS: make use of linear heap to make resource-intensive games playable new 3ds nintendo stream memory texture tinygl freescape grim myst3 stark tetraedge wintermute feature request normal
#14505 MYST3: Endian issue on graphics new BigEndian, Graphics defect normal
#14772 M4: Orion Burger - Gfx mesh and crash on BE target new Orion Burger, Endian defect normal
#13148 GRIM: Grim Fandango _ after end game credits cannot exit the game new grim, ending, credits, 2.5.0 defect low
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