Custom Query (12 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15082 AUDIO: Sound skips/pops/stutters on all ScummVM versions on Windows 10/7 new skips, stutters, pops, audio, buffer defect high
#7013 SCUMM: DOTT - Stuck in Dialog At Lab When Talking To Tentacles new script bug feature request normal
#11355 PARALLACTION: Nippon Safes (Amiga/DOS) - intro reset new bug loop prison entrance intro defect normal
#12010 SCUMM: MI1: Giving items that Guybrush does not carry causes weird behavior new bug, script feature request normal
#12935 BURIED: Windows hotkeys are used on macOS new buried-win macOS defect normal
#13386 Add a "clear" command to the general debugger new debug,debugger feature request normal
#15148 M4: Orion Burger: Crash on strict-alignment architectures new alignment,sigbus defect normal
#15154 DIRECTOR: Interactive Bible For Kids [D5] Menu Buttons not working new unknown-game, broken-buttons, broken defect normal
#15179 AGS: lzwexpand SIGBUS on strict-alignment archs new strict-alignment,sigbus defect normal
#15340 GUI: ANDROID: IOS: Portrait layout issue for "Add anyway" button new Portrait, add anyway, button, ios, android defect normal
#14911 SCI: QFG4: Brief Display and No Audio at Bushes new Baba Yaga bushes, audio defect low
#14912 SCI: QFG4: Burgomeister Doesn't Always Close Window at Sunset new Burgomeister, window, sunset defect low
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