Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#10546 BACKENDS: Android - Destruction Derby not completable in Full Throttle new Android, controls, minigame, keymapper defect normal
#11369 GNAP: Can't move car new GNAP, Android defect normal
#11932 Android TV support new androidtv feature request normal
#12532 PORTS: ANDROID: Mouse Cursor Snaps to Top Left Corner on Android 8.1.0 Device pending android touch mouse cursor snap top left lephilousophe defect normal
#12800 Add option to pass parameters to SCUMMVM on Android new android feature request normal
#14423 ANDROID: Add a note or tip in the BACKEND tab about the Virtual Keyboard new Keyboard, Virtual Keyboard, Android, on demand feature request normal
#14446 ANDROID: Add Chromecast support new Chromecast, Android TV, Google TV feature request normal
#14695 ANDROID: No way to copy savegames out of internal storage or create a in progress save after changing the save path in runtime new Android feature request normal
#14823 ANDROID: TETRAEDGE: Crash issues with Syberia 1 and 2 games new android, iOS, SAF, GLES defect normal
#15265 TINSEL: Virtual keyboard gets hidden when skipping cutscenes or at the end of cutscenes new android virtual keyboard hide cutscenes defect normal
#15340 GUI: ANDROID: IOS: Portrait layout issue for "Add anyway" button new Portrait, add anyway, button, ios, android defect normal
#11724 SWORD25: Slow video and out of synch audio on old Android devices new Android, out of synch, slow, video, theora defect low
#12316 Configurable quick buttons for the Android and IOS ports new android feature request low
#13057 PORTS: ANDROID: Android load game screen distorted while downloading from Cloud new Android, GUI defect low
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