Custom Query (15 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#10248 MT-32 emulator music stutters badly (many if not all games) csnover defect closed high Audio: MT32
#9725 AGI IIgs: shift key commands don't work m-kiewitz defect new low Engine: AGI
#9591 SCUMM: Zak McKracken (FM-Towns) - Intro animation runs faster than intro music defect new normal Engine: SCUMM
#10116 MM C64 DEMO: Attempting to display the original save/load screen causes a crash. sev- defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#10117 SCUMM: Starting the MM C64 Demo fails if the datafiles are in the same folder as the full MM C64 game. tag2015 defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#9625 TINSEL: DW2 - out of sound reels dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Tinsel
#9683 WME: Helga Deep in Trouble - Graphic mistake defect new normal Engine: Wintermute
#9861 WME: Oknytt 1.13. Sliders in preferences don't work lolbot-iichan defect closed normal Engine: Wintermute
#9623 Mouse capture causes cursor to jump erratically rootfather defect closed normal GUI
#9714 [GUI/WIN] Control tab is shown in GUI settings bgK defect closed normal GUI
#9622 Android functionality problems dafioram defect closed normal Port: Android
#9991 BACKENDS: Gamecube - Wrong colors regression sev- defect closed normal Port: GameCube
#10239 PSP port incorrect 4:3 aspect radio rsn8887 defect closed normal Port: PSP
#9664 BACKENDS: Win64 - Conf parameter still creates files in %appdata% thus breaking portability (create portable mode) feature request new normal Port: Win64
#4926 TOOLS: descumm "} else {" blocks defect new normal Tools
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