Custom Query (7 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#11483 ZVISION: ZGI: Music broke new defect high Engine: ZVision
#10821 ZVISION: ZGI - Getting stuck after knocking at door (location 'qe1e') & after freeing Jack (location 'ej3x') new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#11181 ZVISION Audio is clipping new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#13019 ZVISION: ZGI: Switching to windowed mode changes the config file’s last_window_width/height values to 640x480 respectively. new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#15238 ZVISION: ZGI: Proper Dolby Digital 5.1 support new feature request normal Engine: ZVision
#15351 ZVISION: ZGI: Save game can get stuck in a death loop new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#15355 Zork Grand Inquisitor does not show autosaves in it's menu new feature request normal Engine: ZVision
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.