Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#13019 new defect

ZVISION: ZGI: Switching to windowed mode changes the config file’s last_window_width/height values to 640x480 respectively.

Reported by: macca8 Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: ZVision
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Zork Grand Inquisitor

Description (last modified by macca8)

It seems that, when switching to window mode, the ZVISION engine (at least in ZGI) doesn’t respect any arbitrary last_window_width/height values that may be set in the Config file.

This includes default values based on desktop resolution (e.g. 840x630 for a 1920x1080 screen, with a fullscreen desktop resolution of 1680x1050), and any arbitrary values created by the user, either by manually changing the Config file’s values or resizing a window by dragging its borders.

In this case, the window created is resized to a 640x480 resolution, and these values passed to the Config file’s last_window_width/height settings.

Any previous values are lost, and can only be restored by dragging a window - including a ZGI window - to an appropriate size, or, after exiting the game, by amending the Config file directly (after applying the fixes from PR 3400*).

However, even though the ZGI window can be resized by dragging its borders, and these values are passed to the Config file, the change will only stick until the next time the game enters windowed mode, when the window again reverts to the 640x480 resolution.

In determining the best solution here, I guess it depends on why the engine currently defaults to a window size of 640x480 (on a 1920x1080 screen), rather than create a window of the designated size.

Tested on an Intel Mac running macOS 10.11.6, using OpenGL graphics mode.
Affects all current ScummVM builds: 2.5.0 releases, 2.5.1pre, 2.6.0git.

*Please note that this issue occurs independently of the fixes addressed by PR 3400, which (as at Oct 17) are currently only available in 2.6.0git.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by macca8, 3 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by macca8, 3 years ago

Game: Zork Grand Inquisitor
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