Custom Query (20 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#11633 ULTIMA: iOS needs better mouse control new defect normal Port: iOS
#13229 PSP: PS Vita Ultima 8: controls don´t work at all new defect normal Port: PSP Vita
#15394 PSP: ULTIMA8: Crash after Pentagram logo new defect high Port: PSP
#11955 ULTIMA: falling down is not happening new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12019 ULTIMA8: Bentic talks to himself during conversation new defect low Engine: Ultima
#12790 ULTIMA8: crash after intro when u8save.000 is missing new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#13876 ULTIMA8: smart navigation make avatar run in circles new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14011 ULTIMA8: Optional stacks automerging new feature request normal Engine: Ultima
#14030 ULTIMA8: Changelings don't change new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14311 ULTIMA8: Disappearing Stepping Stone new defect low Engine: Ultima
#14314 ULTIMA8: Stacked sorcery reagents do not display number new feature request low Engine: Ultima
#14316 ULTIMA8: Enable cheater room teleport new feature request low Engine: Ultima
#14829 ULTIMA8: Difficulty using stairs in Daemon's Crag houses new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14839 ULTIMA8: Bad render order on barrel at docks new OMGPizzaGuy defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14842 ULTIMA8: Paperdoll gump does not remember postion new defect low Engine: Ultima
#14867 ULTIMA8: NPCs keep moving during conversation new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14871 ULTIMA8: Fireballs after releasing Pyros can get stuck in mid-air new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#15104 ULTIMA8: Option to disable the turning animations when turning the Avatar around new feature request normal Engine: Ultima
#15342 ULTIMA8: Problem with fonts substitution in spanish version new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#15373 ULTIMA8: Original Cheats Not Available new defect normal Engine: Ultima
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