Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#13822 SCI: QfG4 - Attacking the castle gate always uses Piotyr's Sword new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13824 SCI: QfG4 - Casting Force Bolt on castle gate only works when it's opened new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13825 SCI: QfG4 - Summon Staff gets broken when casting Flame Dart at castle gate new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13826 SCI: QfG4 - Casting Juggling Lights around castle gate works despite a message stating otherwise new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14910 SCI: QFG4: Incorrect Dialogue when Giving Rusalka Flowers (w/Ashlancer Patch) new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14911 SCI: QFG4: Brief Display and No Audio at Bushes new defect low Engine: SCI
#14912 SCI: QFG4: Burgomeister Doesn't Always Close Window at Sunset new defect low Engine: SCI
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