Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12984 SCUMM: LOOM: Mac version font centering is inaccurate new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13022 SCUMM: Loom CD Talkie starts with subtitles disabled new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13260 Support the composite palette for PC Engine new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#13261 SCUMM: LOOM (PC-Engine): Scrolling scenes show at a larger width than on DOS new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13366 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Path finding or overlay issue at Dragon's caves pending athrxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13388 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Visual glitches with the forge bricks and actors new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#14443 SCUMM: Loom (EGA - Original bug): Bobbin (as Bobbin) can enter the Forge gate before it's closed and glitches with the background new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15040 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Inaccurate text centering and font drop shadows new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15418 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Game not starting/unrecognized after the use of scummtr and scummrp with the MT32 update pending dwatteau defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15601 SCUMM: LOOM: Amiga version attempts to load MT-32 roms regardless of audio settings new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15666 SCUMM: LOOM (FM-Towns) Finish trim_fmtowns_to_200_pixels integration new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#13371 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - (Original bug) Overlay glitch with edge of distaff in woodbin new feature request low Engine: SCUMM
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