Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#6293 TOON: Mouse isn't deactivated after being picked up new sylvaintv defect normal
#6867 TOON: Missing Flux animation when asking him to open cupboard new defect normal
#6869 TOON: Wrong talk animation after Jim's gym demonstration new defect normal
#7003 TOON: Flux Glitch (Lab) new defect normal
#12929 TOON: Idle animations do not loop new defect normal
#13250 TOON: Toonstruck hangs when entering air vent through staircase and bathroom new defect normal
#13287 TOON: Toonstruck is added twice by the launcher with mass add new defect normal
#13502 TOON: Demo is missing a short animation from first screen new defect normal
#13544 TOON: Flux does not stop dancing when used on Cabinet new defect normal
#15284 TOON: Support running in 320x200 modes new feature request normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.