Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#7012 SHERLOCK: volume settings don't work new dreammaster defect normal
#9596 SHERLOCK: Music / Speech volume is not adjustable new defect normal
#10309 SHERLOCK: MIDI - Broken (in-program) sound driver handling new defect normal
#10348 SHERLOCK: Music setting by in-game option is not respected new defect normal
#13160 SHERLOCK: Glitch when loading savegame new defect normal
#13357 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Music notes sometimes left hanging new defect normal
#13358 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Glitch when removing the beam with the chain new defect normal
#14282 SHERLOCK: SCALPEL: Mr. Epstein drawers bug - puts game into unwinnable state new defect normal
#14424 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Items in the Chinese version cannot be used new defect normal
#15403 SHERLOCK: Mouse clicks may be ignored new defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.