Custom Query (14011 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 14011)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#552 eriktorbjorn SF/andrej4000 fixed LOOM: Bobbin seems to walk

After Bobbin slept gets his distaff and stands up, a "going" animation is shown. However it doesn't affect the gamplay and after doing somthing the bug diappears.

Ticket imported from: #635467. Ticket imported from: bugs/552.

#561 SF/khalek SF/khalek fixed INDY3: indy climbs lattice incorrectly

outside the castle when using the whip on the brick in the attached save game, indy starts at the correct spot on the lattice and shortly after is moved off to the left where he climbs what should be the lattice. largely a cosmetic issue but a bug nonetheless

Ticket imported from: #636434. Ticket imported from: bugs/561.

#562 SF/khalek SF/khalek fixed INDY3: actors drawn below desk

Irene near the start of the game and the zeppelin ticket officer are drawn below the area on the screen where they should be. as Irene used to be drawn corrently this behaviour is a regression.

attached is a savegame outside Irene's office and near the ticket officer.

Ticket imported from: #636435. Ticket imported from: bugs/562.

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