Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#3511 closed defect (fixed)

LURE Spanish: Crashes at the start

Reported by: SF/mirir Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Lure
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Lure of the Temptress


* Version: ScummVM 0.11.0 SVN (Dec 14 2007 10:32:58) * Language: Spanish * Platform: Win32

Game crashes at the start when the Skorl comes to see the fire.

Savegame attached.

Ticket imported from: #1851063. Ticket imported from: bugs/3511.

Attachments (4)

lure.001 (17.8 KB ) - added by SF/mirir 17 years ago.
LURE_Spa_Debug.PNG (14.4 KB ) - added by SF/mirir 17 years ago.
Command line window
debug.txt (219.3 KB ) - added by SF/mirir 17 years ago.
Debug log
debug_2.txt (230.6 KB ) - added by SF/mirir 17 years ago.
Debug Log 2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Attachment: lure.001 added


comment:1 by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Summary: LURE Spanish:LURE Spanish: Crashes at the start

comment:2 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster

comment:3 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

Could you please give the error message that is generated, and also run the game with the following flags, and upload the result: --debuglevel=3 --debugflags=animations,scripts,hotspots,strings lure

by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Attachment: LURE_Spa_Debug.PNG added

Command line window

comment:4 by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

The command line does not report any error message. Although I say the game crashes, perhaps is better described as "freezes".

When trying the game with the flags, the command line is constanly generating lines and when the skol enters it stops; being the last line:

string data 767h/08h val=00h EOS

Screenshot of the command line window added.

When playing forcing Adlib sound, at the moment the game freezes the music continues playing. File Added: LURE_Spa_Debug.PNG

comment:5 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

Thanks for the screenshot, but it would be more useful if I could get a full log trace. If you could open up a Windows command prompt and run ScummVM via: scummvm --debuglevel=3 --debugflags=animations,scripts,hotspots,strings lure > debug.txt

If you could upload the debug.txt file after the game freezes (and you exit the program), it may give me a better idea of why it's happening

by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Attachment: debug.txt added

Debug log

comment:6 by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Ok, done. File Added: debug.txt

comment:7 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

I'm still not able to replicate the problem - are you using the Spanish version available for download? Nevertheless, the most likely next place a freeze could occur is in the word wrapping code, so I've committed in some extra debug statements. If I could get you to either compile or grab a fresh version, repeat the process and upload the result? Thanks.

by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Attachment: debug_2.txt added

Debug Log 2

comment:8 by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Yep, I used the spanish version avariable for download. I've also tried it with another two computers (Same OS: XP SP2) and all three freezes at the same point.

Here it is the log with the last SVN. Looks like the game keeps looking for the word "est™pido" in order of "estúpido". File Added: debug_2.txt

comment:9 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

Okay. I think I've finally tracked down what the problem could be - the game maintains an array of the size of each font character starting at ASCII 32 (space), and in the font size calculation an expression of result += fontSize[*s++ - ' '] could evaluate the character as a signed char and result in a negative index for ASCII characters > 128.

Could you try the fix and see whether it resolves your problem before I close this?

comment:10 by SF/mirir, 17 years ago

Yes, problem solved :D

Thanks, keep the good work going ;)

comment:11 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

Bugfix verified by original submitter.

comment:12 by dreammaster, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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