Opened 21 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

#1576 closed defect (fixed)

FT: Can't get through minefield

Reported by: SF/linty Owned by: Kirben
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Full Throttle


I'm using scummvm 0.6.0 playing english talkie version of full throttle in win32

Can't get through the minefield near corley motors because the trail the bunnies leave dissapears and i can't follow it.

I attached a save game

Ticket imported from: #928913. Ticket imported from: bugs/1576.

Attachments (1)

ft.s05 (10.6 KB ) - added by SF/linty 21 years ago.
Saved game

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by SF/linty, 21 years ago

Attachment: ft.s05 added

Saved game

comment:1 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Summary: Can't get through minefieldFT: Can't get through minefield

comment:2 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Why did you file this again? You could have just added the missing information to your first report ( func=detail&atid=418820&aid=928709&group_id=37116) ... Ah well.

comment:3 by sev-, 21 years ago

Can you please provide exact list of things which lead to bug reproduce? Does it disappear every time? Which version of ScummVM? Your platform? etc.

I never had troubles with the scene, moreover it was playable even with previouse ScummVM version. I just passed the minefield with your save game without any problem.

What to do to reproduce the bug?

comment:4 by aquadran, 21 years ago

you can pass this minefield, simply go forward after bunnies. this part of code is not yet fully fixed, problem with layers.

comment:5 by SF/linty, 21 years ago

I'm using scummvm 0.6.0, OS is windows XP.

I put down a bunny and it does it's thing, and it leaves a trail, but there is an invisible square around ben and when he gets close to the trail the trail dissapears. if you walk away again it reappears. But you can't walk onto it, so i can't get past this part.

It happens every time, and I can't walk onto the trail, when i click on it just brings up the things you can do (grab, talk, etc.).

Sorry for reposting fingolfin, i didn't know i could update.

Would it be possible for somebody to post a savegame of after this part?


comment:6 by SF/xake, 21 years ago

When the "things you can do" goes up there is this ring under the skull and in between of the hand and the boot were you can see trough. If you press here then Ben walks where you have clicked. I hav had problem going trough the minfield (Linux, Scummvm 0.6.0) and my experiences says that this is the only way to walk trough. ...and after all: you can not walk wrong and die, so just try to follow the rabbits....

comment:7 by Kirben, 21 years ago

Owner: set to Kirben
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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