Opened 22 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
#1151 closed defect (wontfix)
MONKEYVGA: Game Uncompletable using Mac ScummVM 0.5.1
Reported by: | SF/irq | Owned by: | SF/khalek |
Priority: | high | Component: | Engine: SCUMM |
Version: | Keywords: | script | |
Cc: | Game: | Monkey Island 1 |
I ran into a bug that prevents the completion of the game with Mac ScummVM 0.5.1, but not with the PC version.
The description of the bug contains some spoilers, so...
Inside LeChuck's ghost ship, under Monkey Island, you eventually make your way to a crate which has a root inside that you need. After using the previously acquired Ghost Tools on the chest, to open it, control is lost. Background animations still occur, but you are unable to choose any commands, and the mouse cursor does not move anymore.
In the PC version, right after you finish opening the crate with the Ghost Tools, it plays a little sound effect that does not end up happening on the Mac.
This is on a 12" Powerbook G4, 867MHz, 640MB ram, 60GB HD, Mac OS X 10.2.6, ScummVM 0.5.6.
I have attached a save game. Simply "Use ghost tools with glowing crate" and witness the breakage.
I was able to get by this by copying my save game to my PC, performing that one step, saving, and then restoring on the Mac. I haven't proceeded very far after that point yet but haven't encountered any bugs otherwise.
Ticket imported from: #788278. Ticket imported from: bugs/1151.
Attachments (1)
Change History (13)
by , 22 years ago
Attachment: | monkeyvga.s04 added |
comment:1 by , 22 years ago
Summary: | Game Uncompletable using Mac ScummVM 0.5.1 → MONKEYVGA: Game Uncompletable using Mac ScummVM 0.5.1 |
comment:2 by , 22 years ago
Priority: | normal → high |
comment:3 by , 22 years ago
Pretty much the same thing happens again, at the "Last Part" screen... again, Mac only, not PC
comment:4 by , 22 years ago
so this is the floppy disk vga version of monkey island for PC's or some other version? I assume its also an english version?
comment:6 by , 21 years ago
this works fine here with latest cvs under x86 Linux
I don't suppose you have devtools installed and could compile a cvs version?
comment:7 by , 21 years ago
Yes, I should be able to build the cvs version, maybe sometime this weekend.
comment:8 by , 21 years ago
Um, I just realized what you said, khalek, that you're not using the Mac version of ScummVM. My bug is specific to that. The problem does not occur on any other version. Only the Mac version. This is what my bug originally said.
comment:9 by , 21 years ago
you are using 0.5.1 this is not the latest code bugs should be verified against a cvs build, please do so
comment:10 by , 21 years ago
I downloaded the cvs version, built, and ran it. The bug is gone. It gets right by it, no problem. HOWEVER - upon exiting the game, all of my windows were messed up, in that they were in random locations all over the screen, and random sizes. Not in the same place/size they were before I started ScummVM. ScummVM 0.5.1 does not do this.
comment:11 by , 21 years ago
Owner: | set to |
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:12 by , 21 years ago
Seeing as you can't reproduce this with latest CVS I'm closing it. The window messup thing I doubt is related to ScummVM and is probably a libsdl thing (I think Fingolfin linked a CVS version of SDL for 0.5.1). Anyway even if for some obscure reason it is a ScummVM bug it should be in another bug report.
ScummVM save game