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Results (52 - 54 of 13980)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#57 fixed Edna keeps talking in a continual loop SF/strigeus anonymous

I've attached a saved game from day of the tentacle where Bernard is talking to Edna and what she is saying is running in a contiual loop.

Ticket imported from: #496917. Ticket imported from: bugs/57.

#58 fixed MI2 sprite bug SF/ender SF/kreeblah

In the introductory scene of Monkey Island 2 where Largo takes your money, if you try to leave the bridge from the right side rather than the left, there are some sprite placement bugs. First, when they walk onto the bridge, Largo is on the right and Guybrush is on the left, but Guybrush still faces the left when talking to Largo (in effect, talking to nobody, with Largo behind him). In addition to this, when Largo lifts Guybrush up and dangles him over the bridge, he "misses" the Guybrush sprite. What appears to happen is that he lifts up and dangles empty air.
Meanwhile, the Guybrush sprite is undergoing the animations required at this point, but it appears that it is levitating, rather than being picked up, etc.

Ticket imported from: #498697. Ticket imported from: bugs/58.

#62 fixed French DOTT bug b4 copy protection vincenthamm SF/ziwap

When I launch the last daily build with DOTT Fr ed. the game loops with Fred asking for the battery plans but all commands are disabled and Esc key is uneffective.


Ticket imported from: #506456. Ticket imported from: bugs/62.

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